The Greek that is often translated as “wonder” into English is different from the term that is translated as “miracle” (see miracle) since it “usually involves some unusual phenomena in nature which are a portent of dire woe or extraordinary blessing.” In Huichol these are “awe-inspiring things,” in Yucateco they are “things which show what is coming,” and in Eastern Highland Otomi the expression must be cast into the form of a verb phrase “they will amaze the people.”
The Greek that is typically translated in English as “sign” is translated in Huehuetla Tepehua as “thing to be marveled at” (source: Larson 1889, p. 279) and in Mairasi as “big work” (source: Enggavoter 2004).
signs and wonders
The now commonly-used German idiom Zeichen und Wunder (literally “signs and wonders”), which today is primarily used with the meaning that something unexpected happens against rational expectations, was coined in 1522 in the German New Testament translation by Martin Luther. (Source: Günther 2017, p. 90)
For other idioms or terms in German that were coined by Bible translation, see here.
Mark 13:14 - 23 in Mexican Sign Language
Following is the translation of Mark 13:14-23 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:
© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)
Jesús siguió explicando: “En el futuro pondrán cosas horribles, una abominación fea, en el lugar prohibido, no les importará, cuando uds lo vean adviertan a las personas del estado de Judea que escapen y se vayan.
Las personas que están en la azotea de su casa que bajen y no empaquen cosas pero los dejen y se vayan.
Igual en el campo que las personas no piensen: ‘agarremos nuestras chamarras’ pero los dejen y se vayan.
Las personas escaparán a las montañas.
Oigan, siento compasión por las pobres mujeres embarazadas que tienen que correr, y otras mujers con bebés mamando el pecho que tienen que correr. Mejor que uds oren antes para que no sea un día de la temporada de lluvia y frío.
Oigan, desde el principio cuando Dios hizo el mundo hasta ahora las personas han sufrido menos, pero lo que viene es más y peor sufrimiento, ni después en el futuro el sufrimiento será igual, será diferente.
Si uds seguirían a sufrir tanto se morirían y se acabaría, ya no habría vida, pero Dios ya ha elegido a todas las personas que creen en mi, Jesús, y los defenderá y por eso el sufrimiento de todas las personas se detendrá.
Oigan, si gente les advierte que ‘aqui hay el Cristo’ y otras personas ‘allá hay el Cristo’ uds no sean engañados (diciendo) ‘¿de veras?’, no lo crean.
En el futuro algunas personas falsas hablarán disimulando: ‘Yo soy el Cristo’ y otras personas disimularán ‘Yo soy un profeta’ y harán señales y milagros para comprobarlo y engañarán a la gente, también a uds que creen y ya son elegidos por Dios quieren probarlos y engañar a uds.
Tengan cuidado, lo que ahorita expliqué ya les avisé de antemano como advertencia.”
Jesus continued explaining: “In the future they will put horrible things, an ugly abomination in the forbidden place, they don’t care; when you see it, warn the people of the state of Judea that they should escape and leave.
“The people that are on the roofs of their houses should come down and not pack their things, but leave them and go.
“In the same way the people in the rural areas should not think of taking their coats, but leave them and go.
“The people will escape to the mountains.
“Listen, I feel pity for the poor pregnant women who have to run, and other women with baby’s that are breastfeeding who have to run carrying their child. You had better pray beforehand that it is not a day in the rainy and cold season.
“Listen, from the beginning when God created the world up to now the people have suffered less, but what it coming is more and worse suffering, nor will the suffering afterwards in the future be the same, it will be different.
“If you would continue to suffer so much you would die and it would finish, there would not be any life left, but God has already chosen all the people who believe in me, Jesus, and He will protect them and therefore the suffering of all the people will be stopped.
“Listen, when people warn you that ‘the Christ is here’ and other people ‘the Christ is there’ do not fall for it (and say) ‘really, really?’, don’t believe it.
“In the future some false people will speak pretending ‘I am the Christ’ and other people will pretend ‘I am a prophet’ and they will do signs and miracles as proof and they will deceive the people, even you who believe and are already chosen by God they will want to try and deceive you.
“Be careful, what I’ve just told you I have let you know you beforehand as a warning.”
Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
<< Mark 13:1-13 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 13:24-27 in Mexican Sign Language >>
Mark 13:14-23 in Russian Sign Language
Following is the translation of Mark 13:14-23 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:
Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество
Jesus said to his disciples:
— Once upon a time there lived a man named Daniel. He was a prophet. He wrote down a prediction that the Abomination of Desolation would be brought into the Temple, which should not be there, and so the Temple would be desolate, there would be no God there. When you see this prediction come true, you need to run away quickly. The person who reads this will understand.
I also tell you, if you see that they have brought the Abomination of Desolation into this temple, all the Jews must quickly flee to the mountains. If a person lives on the roof of his house and hears about this disaster, he should not go down to get his clothes, but quickly run away. If a person was walking in the field and heard about this disaster, he should not go back home to get his clothes, but quickly run away. And for pregnant women and nursing mothers, these days of trouble will be especially hard in winter. You pray to God that these days do not happen in winter. You all pray to God about this. I will also tell you that such a time of suffering has not been since the time when God created the world, and such suffering will not be there later, because this time of suffering will be very terrible. But God will make this time of suffering short, not long. If this time were long, then all people would perish. God made this suffering short for the sake of saving those whom He chose.
I also tell you that in these days of suffering, many false prophets, many false Messiahs will appear. People will say, “Here is the Christ… Here is the Christ…” But don’t believe them! They will perform various miracles and will seduce many people. And even those whom God has chosen, even they will sometimes be seduced. But I tell you all in advance: Be vigilant and careful!
Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):
Иисус сказал ученикам:
— Давно жил человек, по имени Даниил. Он был пророк. Он записал предсказание, что в этот храм принесут Мерзость запустения, которая не должна быть там, и поэтому Храм опустеет, там не будет Бога. Когда вы увидите, что это предсказание сбылось, нужно быстро убегать. Человек, который прочтет это, поймет.
Еще говорю вам, если увидите, что принесли Мерзость запустения в этот храм, все иудеи тогда должны быстро убегает в горы. Если человек, живет на крыше своего дома, и услышал об этой беде, не следует ему спускаться вниз за своей одеждой, пусть быстро убегает прочь. Если человек шел по полю и услышал об этой беде, не нужно ему возвращаться домой, чтобы забрать свою одежду, пусть быстро убегает прочь. А беременным женщинам и кормящим матерям, эти дни беды будут особенно тяжелы. Вы же молитесь Богу, чтобы эти дни не случились зимой. Вы все молитесь об этом Богу. Еще скажу вам, что такого времени страданий не было с тех самых времен, как Бог сотворил мир, и потом таких страданий не будет, потому что это время страданий будет очень страшным. Но Бог сделает это время страданий коротким, непродолжительным. Если бы это время было долгим, тогда все люди погибли бы. Бог сделал эти страдания короткими ради спасения тех, кого Он избрал.
Еще говорю вам, что в эти дни страданий появится много лжепророков, много Лже-Мессий. Люди будут говорить: «Вот Христос… Вот Христос…» Но вы не верьте! Они будут демонстрировать разные чудеса и соблазнят многих людей. И даже тех, кого избрал Бог, даже они иногда будут соблазнены. Но я говорю вам всем заранее: Будьте бдительны и осторожны!
Back-translation by Luka Manevich
<< Mark 13:1-13 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 13:24-27 in Russian Sign Language >>
complete verse (Mark 13:22)
Following are a number of back-translations of Mark 13:22:
- Uma: “For many lying people will appear who will say that they are the Redeemer King, or who will say that they are prophets. They will do amazing signs and powerful signs, in order to deceive many people. If it were possible, even people God has chosen they would deceive also.” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
- Yakan: “For in those days, there will be people appearing saying that they are Almasi but it is not true. There will also be people saying that they are prophets but it is not true. And they will show signs and wonder-causing deeds so that if possible, they would take/lead astray the people chosen by God.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
- Western Bukidnon Manobo: “For lying people will appear saying that they are the king chosen by God or they will say that they are prophets of God. They will show miracles and signs in order to cause, if it were possible, even the chosen ones of God to believe their ies.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
- Kankanaey: “Because deceitful people will appear saying that they reportedly are the Messiah and they reportedly are prophets. And they will show amazing signs and miracles in order to deceive koma the many-people and even the people whom God has chosen if possible.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
- Tagbanwa: “Because there really will be those who will falsely-claim to be Cristo or a prophet. They will show signs and do amazing things, so that if it were only possible, they would mislead even those chosen by God.” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)
Eugene Nida wrote the following about the translation of the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek terms that are typically translated with “prophet” in English:
“The tendency in many translations is to use ‘to foretell the future’ for ‘prophesy,’ and ‘one who foretells the future’ for ‘prophet.’ This is not always a recommended usage, particularly if such expressions denote certain special native practices of spirit contact and control. It is true, of course, that prophets of the Bible did foretell the future, but this was not always their principal function. One essential significance of the Greek word prophētēs is ‘one who speaks forth,’ principally, of course, as a forth-teller of the Divine will. A translation such as ‘spokesman for God’ may often be employed profitably.” (1947, p. 234f.)
Following is a list of (back-) translations from other languages (click or tap for details):
- San Blas Kuna: “one who speaks the voice of God”
- Central Pame and Vai: “interpreter for God”
- Kaqchikel, Navajo, Yaka: “one who speaks for God”
- Northern Grebo: “God’s town crier” (see more about this below)
- Sapo: “God’s sent-word person”
- Shipibo-Conibo, Ngäbere: “one who speaks God’s word”
- Copainalá Zoque: “one who speaks-opens” (a compound meaning “one who discloses or reveals”)
- Sierra Totonac: “one who causes them to know” (in the sense of “revealer”)
- Batak Toba: “foreteller” (this and all the above acc. to Nida 1961, p. 7)
- Western Bukidnon Manobo: “one who is inspired of God” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
- Alekano: “the true man who descended from heaven” (source: Ellis Deibler in Notes on Translation June 1986, p. 36ff.)
- Aguaruna: “teller of God’s word” (source: M. Larson / B. Moore in Notes on Translation February 1970, p. 1-125)
- Ekari: “person who speaks under divine impulse”
- Mandarin Chinese: 先知 xiānzhī — “one who foreknows” (or the 1946/1970 translation by Lü Zhenzhong: 神言人 shényánrén — “divine-word-man”)
- Uab Meto: “holy spokesman” (source for this and two above: Reiling / Swellengrebel)
- Kouya: Lagɔɔ gbʋgbanyɔ — “the one who seeks God’s affairs” (source: Saunders, p. 269)
- Kafa: “decide for God only” (source: Loren Bliese)
- Martu Wangka: “sit true to God’s talk” (source: Carl Gross)
- Eastern Highland Otomi: “word passer” (source: John Beekman in Notes on Translation November 1964, p. 1-22)
- Obolo: ebi nriran: “one with power of divine revelation” (source: Enene Enene)
- Mairasi: nonondoai nyan: “message proclaimer” (source: Enggavoter 2004)
- Highland Totonac: “speaker on God’s behalf”
- Central Tarahumara: “God’s preacher” (source for this and above: Waterhouse / Parrott in Notes on Translation October 1967, p. 1ff.)
- Coatlán Mixe: “God’s word-thrower”
- Ayutla Mixtec: “one who talks as God’s representative”
- Isthmus Mixe: “speaker for God” (source for this and two above: Viola Waterhouse in Notes on Translation August 1966, p. 86ff.)
- Mezquital Otomi / Paasaal: “God’s messenger” (source: Waterhouse / Parrott in Notes on Translation October 1967, p. 1ff. and Fabian N. Dapila in The Bible Translator 2024, p. 415ff.)
- Noongar: Warda Marridjiny or “News Traveling” (source: Warda-Kwabba Luke-Ang)
- Kutu: mtula ndagu or “one who gives the prediction of the past and the future” (Source: Pioneer Bible Translators, project-specific translation notes in Paratext)
- French 1985 translation by Chouraqui: inspiré or “inspired one” (“someone in whom God has breathed [Latin: in + spiro]) (source: Watson 2023, p. 45)
In Ixcatlán Mazatec a term is used that specifically includes women. (Source: Robert Bascom)
About the translation into Northern Grebo:
“In some instances these spiritual terms result from adaptations reflecting the native life and culture. Among the Northern Grebo people of Liberia, a missionary wanted some adequate term for ‘prophet,’ and she was fully aware that the native word for ‘soothsayer’ or ‘diviner’ was no equivalent for the Biblical prophet who spoke forth for God. Of course, much of what the prophets said referred to the future, and though this was an essential part of much of their ministry, it was by no means all. The right word for the Gbeapo people would have to include something which would not only mean the foretelling of important events but the proclamation of truth as God’s representative among the people. At last the right word came; it was ‘God’s town-crier.’ Every morning and evening the official representative of the chief goes through the village crying out the news, delivering the orders of the chief, and announcing important coming events. ‘God’s town-crier’ would be the official representative of God, announcing to the people God’s doings, His commands, and His pronouncements for their salvation and well-being. For the Northern Grebo people the prophet is no weird person from forgotten times; he is as real as the human, moving message of the plowman Amos, who became God’s town-crier to a calloused people.” (source: Nida 1952, p. 20)
In American Sign Language it is a person who sees into the future:
“Prophet” in American Sign Language (source )
In British Sign Language it is is translated with a sign that depicts a message coming from God to a person (the upright finger) and then being passed on to others. (Source: Anna Smith)
“Prophet” in British Sign Language (source: Christian BSL, used with permission)
See also prophesy and prophesy / prophetic frenzy.
Learn more on Bible Odyssey: How to Recognize a Biblical Prophet .
formal pronoun: Jesus addressing his disciples and common people
Like many languages (but unlike Greek or Hebrew or English), Tuvan uses a formal vs. informal 2nd person pronoun (a familiar vs. a respectful “you”). Unlike other languages that have this feature, however, the translators of the Tuvan Bible have attempted to be very consistent in using the different forms of address in every case a 2nd person pronoun has to be used in the translation of the biblical text.
As Voinov shows in Pronominal Theology in Translating the Gospels (in: The Bible Translator 2002, p. 210ff. ), the choice to use either of the pronouns many times involved theological judgment. While the formal pronoun can signal personal distance or a social/power distance between the speaker and addressee, the informal pronoun can indicate familiarity or social/power equality between speaker and addressee.
Here, Jesus is addressing his disciples, individuals and/or crowds with the formal pronoun, showing respect.
In most Dutch translations, Jesus addresses his disciples and common people with the informal pronoun, whereas they address him with the formal form.
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