get behind me

The Greek that is translated as “get behind me” in English is rendered in Gumuz as “go away from my face.”


The Greek that is typically transliterated in English as “Satan” is transliterated in Kipsigis as “Setani.” This is interesting because it is not only a transliteration that approximates the Greek sound but it is also an existing Kipsigis word with the meaning of “ugly” and “sneaking.” (Source: Earl Anderson in The Bible Translator 1950, p. 85ff. )

In Morelos Nahuatl it is translated as “envious one” (source: Viola Waterhouse in Notes on Translation August 1966, p. 86ff.) and in Tibetan: bdud (བདུད།), lit. “chief devil” (except in Rev. 20:2, where it is transliterated) (source: gSungrab website ).

See also devil.

Learn more on Bible Odyssey: Satan .

get behind me Satan

The Greek that is translated as “get behind me, Satan” or similar in English is translated in Highland Oaxaca Chontal as “Go away! Your word is like the word of Satan” and in Tzotzil as “Get away from me, you who are acting like Satan.” (Source: B. Moore / G. Turner in Notes on Translation 1967, p. 1ff.)


The Greek that is often translated as “disciple” in English typically follows three types of translation: (1) those which employ a verb ‘to learn’ or ‘to be taught’, (2) those which involve an additional factor of following, or accompaniment, often in the sense of apprenticeship, and (3) those which imply imitation of the teacher.

Following are some examples (click or tap for details):

  • Ngäbere: “word searcher”
  • Yaka: “one who learned from Jesus”
  • Navajo, Western Highland Purepecha, Tepeuxila Cuicatec, Lacandon: “one who learned”
  • San Miguel El Grande Mixtec: “one who studied with Jesus”
  • Northern Grebo: “one Jesus taught”
  • Toraja-Sa’dan: “child (i.e., follower) of the master”
  • Indonesian: “pupil” (also used in many Slavic languages, including Russian [ученик], Bulgarian [учени́к], Ukrainian [учень], or Polish [uczeń] — source: Paul Amara)
  • Central Mazahua: “companion whom Jesus taught”
  • Kipsigis, Loma, Copainalá Zoque: “apprentice” (implying continued association and learning)
  • Cashibo-Cacataibo: “one who followed Jesus”
  • Huautla Mazatec: “his people” (essentially his followers and is the political adherents of a leader)
  • Highland Puebla Nahuatl: based on the root of “to imitate” (source for this and all above: Bratcher / Nida)
  • Chol: “learner” (source: Larson 1998, p. 107)
  • Waorani: “one who lives following Jesus” (source: Wallis 1973, p. 39)
  • Ojitlán Chinantec: “learner” (Source: M. Larson / B. Moore in Notes on Translation February 1970, p. 1-125.)
  • Javanese: “pupil” or “companion” (“a borrowing from Arabic that is a technical term for Mohammed’s close associates”)
  • German: Jünger or “younger one” (source for this and one above: Reiling / Swellengrebel)
  • German New Testament translation by Berger / Nord (publ. 1999): Jüngerinnen und Jünger or “female and male disciples.” Note that Berger/Nord only use that translation in many cases in the gospel of Luke, “because especially according to Luke (see 8:13), women were part of the extended circle of disciples” (see p. 452 and looked up at his disciples).
  • Noongar: ngooldjara-kambarna or “friend-follow” (source: Warda-Kwabba Luke-Ang)
  • French 1985 translation by Chouraqui: adept or “adept” (as in a person who is skilled or proficient at something). Watson (2023, p. 48ff.) explains (click or tap here to see more):

    [Chouraqui] uses the noun “adept,” which is as uncommon in French as it is in English. It’s an evocative choice on several levels. First, linguistically, it derives — via the term adeptus — from the Latin verb adipiscor, “to arrive at; to reach; to attain something by effort or striving.” It suggests those who have successfully reached the goal of their searching, and implies a certain struggle or process of learning that has been gradually overcome. But it’s also a term with a very particular history: in the Middle Ages, “adept” was used in the world of alchemy, to describe those who, after years of labor and intensive study, claimed to have discovered the Great Secret (how to turn base metals like lead into gold); it thus had the somewhat softened meaning of “someone who is completely skilled in all the secrets of their field.”

    Historians of religion often use the term adept with reference to the ancient mystery religions that were so prevalent in the Mediterranean in the centuries around the time of Jesus. An adept was someone who, through a series of initiatory stages, had penetrated into the inner, hidden mysteries of the religion, who understood its rituals, symbols, and their meaning. To be an adept implied a lengthy and intensive master-disciple relationship, gradually being led further and further into the secrets of the god or goddess (Isis-Osiris, Mithras, Serapis, Hermes, etc.) — secrets that were never to be revealed to an outsider.

    Is “adept” a suitable category in which to consider discipleship as we see it described in the Gospels? On some levels, the link is an attractive one, drawing both upon the social-religious framework of the ancient Mediterranean, and upon certain aspects of intimacy and obscurity/secrecy that we see in the relationship of Jesus and those who followed him. The idea that disciples are “learners” — people who are “on the way” — and that Jesus is portrayed as (and addressed as) their Master/Teacher is accurate. But the comparison is unsatisfactory on several other levels.

    First, the Gospels portray Jesus’s ministry as a largely public matter — there is relatively little of the secrecy and exclusiveness that is normally associated with both the mystery cults and medieval alchemy. Jesus’s primary message is not destined for a small, elite circle of “initiates” — although the Twelve are privy to explanations, experiences and teachings that are not provided to “the crowds.” For example, in Matthew 13:10-13:

    Then the disciples came and asked him, “Why do you speak to [the crowds] in parables?” He answered, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. The reason I speak to them in parables is that ‘seeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, nor do they understand.’”

    Etymologically, adeptus suggests someone who “has arrived,” who has attained a superior level of understanding reserved for very few. However, what we see in the Gospels, repeatedly, is a general lack of comprehension of many of Jesus’s key teachings by many of those who hear him. Many of his more cryptic sayings would have been virtually incomprehensible in their original context, and would only make sense in retrospect, in the wake of the events of Jesus’s passion, death, and resurrection. The intense master-student relationship is also lacking: the Gospels largely portray “the disciples” as a loose (and probably fluctuating) body of individuals, with minimal structure or cohesion. Finally, there seems to be little scholarly consensus about the degree to which the mystery cults had made inroads in Roman-ruled Palestine during the decades of Jesus’s life. According to Everett Ferguson in his Backgrounds of Early Christianity.

    Although Christianity had points of contact with Stoicism, the mysteries, the Qumran community, and so on, the total worldview was often quite different….So far as we can tell, Christianity represented a new combination for its time…. At the beginning of the Christian era a number of local mysteries, some of great antiquity, flourished in Greece and Asia Minor. In the first century A.D. the vonly mysteries whose extension may be called universal were the mysteries of Dionysus and those of the eastern gods, especially Isis.

    And Norman Perrin and Dennis C. Duling note, in their book The New Testament:

    Examples of such mystery religions could be found in Greece… Asia Minor… Syria-Palestine… Persia… and Egypt. Though the mysteries had sacred shrines in these regions, many of them spread to other parts of the empire, including Rome. There is no clearly direct influence of the mysteries on early Christianity, but they shared a common environment and many non-Christians would have perceived Christians as members of an oriental Jewish mystery cult.56

    Given the sparse archaeological and literary evidence from this period regarding mystery cults in Roman Palestine, and the apparent resistance of many Palestinian Jews to religious syncretism, Chouraqui’s use of the noun adept implies a comparison between the historical Jesus and mystery cults that is doubtful, on both the levels of chronology and religious culture. Personally, I believe this choice suggests a vision of Jesus that distances him from the religious world of ancient Judaism, thus creating a distorted view of what spiritually inspired him. But the idea of the disciples as “learners” on a journey (as the Greek term suggests) is a striking one to consider; certainly, the Gospels show us the Twelve as people who are growing, learning, and developing…but who have not yet “arrived” at the fullness of their vocation.

Scot McKnight (in The Second Testament, publ. 2023) translates it into English as apprentice.

In Luang several terms with different shades of meaning are being used.

  • For Mark 2:23 and 3:7: maka nwatutu-nwaye’a re — “those that are taught” (“This is the term used for ‘disciples’ before the resurrection, while Jesus was still on earth teaching them.”)
  • For Acts 9:1 and 9:10: makpesiay — “those who believe.” (“This is the term used for believers and occasionally for the church, but also for referring to the disciples when tracking participants with a view to keeping them clear for the Luang readers. Although Greek has different terms for ‘believers’, ‘brothers’, and ‘church’, only one Luang word can be used in a given episode to avoid confusion. Using three different terms would imply three different sets of participants.”)
  • For Acts 6:1: mak lernohora Yesus wniatutunu-wniaye’eni — “those who follow Jesus’ teaching.” (“This is the term used for ‘disciples’ after Jesus returned to heaven.”)

Source: Kathy Taber in Notes on Translation 1/1999, p. 9-16.

In American Sign Language it is translated with a combination of the signs for “following” plus the sign for “group.” (Source: Ruth Anna Spooner, Ron Lawer)

“disciples” in American Sign Language, source: Deaf Harbor

In British Sign Language a sign is used that depicts a group of people following one person (the finger in the middle, signifying Jesus). Note that this sign is only used while Jesus is still physically present with his disciples. (Source: Anna Smith)

“Disciple in British Sign Language (source: Christian BSL, used with permission)

See also disciples (Japanese honorifics).


Following is a Armenian Orthodox icon of Peter (found in the Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shusha, Azerbaijan).

Orthodox Icons are not drawings or creations of imagination. They are in fact writings of things not of this world. Icons can represent our Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the Saints. They can also represent the Holy Trinity, Angels, the Heavenly hosts, and even events. Orthodox icons, unlike Western pictures, change the perspective and form of the image so that it is not naturalistic. This is done so that we can look beyond appearances of the world, and instead look to the spiritual truth of the holy person or event. (Source )

Following is a hand colored stencil print on momigami of Peter by Sadao Watanabe (1970):

Image taken with permission from the SadaoHanga Catalogue where you can find many more images and information about Sadao Watanabe. For other images of Sadao Watanabe art works in TIPs, see here.

In Finnish Sign Language it is translated with the sign signifying “key” (referring to Matthew 16:19). (Source: Tarja Sandholm)

“Peter” or “Cephas” in Finnish Sign Language (source )

In Swiss-German Sign Language it is translated with the sign for “rock,” referring to the meaning of the Greek word for “Peter.”

“Peter” in Swiss-German Sign Language, source: DSGS-Lexikon biblischer Begriffe , © CGG Schweiz

For more information on translations of proper names with sign language see Sign Language Bible Translations Have Something to Say to Hearing Christians .

See also Peter – rock.

Learn more on Bible Odyssey: Peter .

Mark 8:31 - 38 in Mexican Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 8:31-38 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:

© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)

Jesús les advirtió: “En el futuro cercano, los ancianos judíos, los líderes de los sacerdotes y los maestros de la Ley, que no creen en el Hijo del Hombre, lo rechazarán.

Lo maltratarán, y el Hijo del Hombre tiene que sufrir, ellos lo matarán y morirá, pero después de tres días resucitará.”

Los discípulos pensaban: “Jesús está explicandolo claramente.”

Pedro dijo: “Nosotros dos tenemos un asunto”, y los dos se fueron un poco adelante. (Pedro dijo): Lo que tú dices está equivocado, está mal.”

Jesús miró a los discípulos, y volvió a mirar a Pedro regañandolo: “Tú hablas en la misma manera como satanás. Apartate satanás, tú no piensas como Dios, tú piensas como la gente.” Pedro se calló.

Jesús vio los discípulos y otras personas, y los llamó “ven” y una multitud se acercó. Jesús dijo: “Si uds quieren estar conmigo, acompañarme como discípulos, les advierto que no (pueden decir) necesito cuidar y conservar mi vidas y mis cosas, no, hay que dejar todo.

Deben aceptar a cargar la cruz, que quiere decir que me siguen sufriendo hasta la muerte.

Si dicen: “No, (necesito) cuidar a mi visa y mis cosas, y conservarlos, pues en el futuro perderán su vida.”

Jesús les advirtió: “Si uds creen en mi, y lo anuncian y predican y la gente los matarán, no importa, estarán salvos.

Les advierto: si un hombre rico gan propiedad de negocios por todo el mundo y después muere y pierde su vida y su alma, su riqueza no sirve. ¿Se puede pagar (a Dios) para que te dé vida eterna a tu alma?”

Jesus les advirtió: “Ahora todas las personas malas que no les importa el amor a Dios y que siguen pecando, si mi predicación es una estorba para uds y sienten pena, igual cando en el futuro Dios venga en gloria con el Hijo del Hombre acompañado con muchos ángeles santos, el Hijo del Hombre sentirá pena de ti.”

Jesus warned them: “In the near future the elders of the jews, the leaders of the priests and the teachers of the Law, who don’t believe in the Son of Man, will reject him.

“They will mistreat him and the Son of Man will have to suffer, they will kill him and he will die, but after three days he will rise.”

The disciples thought: “Jesus is explaining it clearly.”

Peter said: “We two have a matter to discuss”, and the two of them went away a little. (Peter said): “You are mistaken in what you say, it is bad!”

Jesus looked at the disciples, and then he looked at Peter again and told him off: “You speak in the same way at Satan. Get away Satan, you don’t think like God, you think like people.” Peter shut up.

Jesus saw the disciples and other people and called them to come, and a multitude approached him. Jesus said: “If you want to be with me, accompany me as disciples, I warn you that you (cannot say) I need to take care of and preserve my life or my things, no, you have to leave it all behind.

“You have to accept carrying the cross, which is to say, follow me in suffering unto death.

If you go: ‘No, I (need to) take care of my life and my things, and preserve them,’ then in the future you will lose your life.”

Jesus warned them: “If you believe in me and you announce it and preach and the people kill you, never mind, you will be saved.

“I warn you: if a rich man gains ownership of businesses throughout the world and then he dies and loses his life and his soul, his richness doesn’t help him. Can you pay (God) so that he will give your soul eternal life?”

Jesus warned them: “Now all the bad people who don’t care about loving God and go on sinning, if my preaching is a nuisance for you and you feel shame, in the same way when in the future God comes in glory with the Son of Man accompanied by many holy angels, the Son of Man will feel ashamed of you.”

Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

<< Mark 8:27-30 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 9:1 in Mexican Sign Language >>

Mark 8:31-33 in Russian Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 8:31-33 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:

Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество

Jesus began to teach the disciples and spoke openly to them:

— I am the son of God who became a man. I will have to suffer many things. The rulers, the chief priests and the teachers of the law have all rejected me, they hate me, they are plotting to kill me. I am to die, but three days afterward I will be alive again.

Jesus said this clearly and directly, but the disciples were surprised. One of the disciples, Peter, stood up and said to Jesus:

— Why do you speak like this? Do not say that you are going to die.

Jesus looked at the disciples and said to Peter:

— You are not thinking about God! You talk about what people think is important. Satan has put this into your head. Go away!

Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):

Иисус начал учить учеников и говорил им открыто:

— Я, сын Бога, ставший человеком. Я должен буду много пострадать. Начальники, первосвященники и учителя закона — они все отвергли меня, они ненавидят меня, они замышляют убить меня. Мне предстоит умереть, но через три дня после этого я снова стану живым.

Иисус говорил об этом ясно и прямо, ученики же этому удивлялись. Один из учеников, Петр, встал подошел и сказал Иисусу:

— Зачем ты так говоришь? Не говори о том, что ты умрешь.

Иисус поглядел на учеников и сказал Петру:

— Ты не думаешь о Боге! Ты рассуждаешь о том, что люди считают важным. Сатана тебе внушил это. Уходи!

Back-translation by Luka Manevich

<< Mark 8:27-30 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 8:34-91 in Russian Sign Language >>