Mark 1:29-39 in Russian Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 1:29-39 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:

Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество

House of Prayer. Jesus came out of there. He had two disciples with him, James and John. They came to the house of Simon and Andrew. Simon’s mother-in-law was there. She had a fever. She was sick and lying down. Jesus went into the house. And heard that his mother-in-law was lying sick. And Jesus went in and saw her lying there. He took her by the hand and began to lift her up. The mother-in-law got up and suddenly found that there was no fever! She was healthy! She was very happy. And she began cheerfully to prepare food and distribute it.

There were many people gathered in the city of Capernaum. They were all waiting for the sun to set. There were many sick people there who were possessed by demons. Many people were brought to Simon’s house. The sick were being put together and they took up all the space around Simon’s house. They waited for Jesus to come out. Jesus came out and treated the sick: He healed one, cured another, cast out a demon from a demon possessed man. The demons inside the possessed wanted to talk about Jesus, but he forbade them! Jesus healed one, another, and a third. He cast out demons from one man and another. And all this was until late at night.

Early in the morning, when the sun had just risen, Jesus quietly went out of Simon’s house and looked for a deserted place. Jesus began to pray earnestly to God. And Simon and the men began to look for Jesus everywhere, and they searched and searched and searched, and finally they found him. And they said:

— There are people there, they are all waiting for you. Let’s go!

Jesus answered them:

— No. I came here, why? I need to tell everyone about God. You follow me.

There are many different villages in Galilee. Jesus came to these villages – one, another, another, another — went into the house of prayer of the Jews, taught there, cast out demons from people who were possessed by demons. So he came to many villages.

Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):

Дом молитвы. Иисус вышел оттуда. С ним были два ученика Иаков и Иоанн. Они пришли к дому Симона и Андрея. Там была теща Симона. У нее повысилась температура. Она заболела и лежала. Иисус зашел в дом. И услышал, что теща лежит больная. Ииусу зашел и видит, что она лежит. Он взял ее за руку и стал поднимать. Теща поднялась и вдруг обнаружила, что температуры нет! Она здоровая! Она очень обрадовалась. И она начала бодро готовить еду и раздавать ее.

В городе Капернауме собралось много людей. Они все ждали, когда солнце зайдет. Там было очень много больных, одержимых бесами. Многих людей приносили к дому Симона. Больных складывали, они заняли все место вокруг дома Симона. Они ждали, когда Иисус выйдет. Иисус вышел и лечил больных: одного исцелил, другого исцелил, из одержимого бесом изгнал беса. Бесы внутри одержимых хотели говорить об Иисусе, но Он запрещал им! Исцелял Иисус одного, другого, третьего. Бесов изгонял из одного, другого человека. И все это было до глубокой ночи.

Рано утром, когда только солнце взошло, Иисус тихонько вышел из дома Симона и искал пустынное место. Иисус начал усердно молиться Богу. А Симон и его люди стали искать Иисуса повсюду, искали-искали и, наконец, нашли. И сказали:

— Там люди, они все ждут тебя. Пойдем!

Иисус им ответил:

— Нет. Я пришел сюда, зачем? Мне нужно всем рассказать о Боге. Вы идите за мной.

В Галилее есть много разных селений. Иисус приходил в эти селения — в одно, другое, третье — заходил в дом молитвы евреев, учил там, изгонял бесов из людей, одержимых бесами. Так он приходил во многие селения.

Back-translation by Luka Manevich

<< Mark 1:21-28 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 1:40-45 in Russian Sign Language >>

Mark 13:1 - 13 in Mexican Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 13:1-13 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:

© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)

Jesús y los discípulos estaban caminando y los discípulos dijeron: “Meastro ve el templo, qué tan grande son las piedras, ¡huy, es maravilloso!”

Jesús (dijo): “¡¿Ver qué tan grande es el templo?! Les advierto, en el futuro el templo se caerá y será destruido.”

El grupo siguió caminando y después en el Monte de los olivos Jesús se sentó a ver el templo que estaba enfrente. Cuando Pedro, Jacobo, Juan y Andrés vieron que no había otra gente fueron a él.

Dijeron: “Jesús, lo que explicaste ahorita ¿cuándo vendrá por cierto? ¿Cómo lo descubrimos?”

Jesús (dijo): “Mira, les explico, en el futuro uds oirán que ya ha venido una guerro y personas les advertirán que haya otra guerra, pero uds no se asusten, todavía no se acaba el mundo.

Mira, en el futuro en diferentes lugares del mundo habrá guerras y terremotos fuertes y hambre

y también habrá personas falsas que hablan disimulando: ‘Yo soy Jesúcristo’ y engañaran a la gente, muchas personas lo creerán: ¿de veras, de veras? y caerán en el engaño.

Cuidado, uds se alejen, estas cinco cosas son el comienzo del sufrimiento pero todavía no se acaba el mundo.

Es necesario que primero el evangelio será predicado y anunciado en diferentes idiomas y esparcido por el mundo.

Les advierto, tengan cuidado. En el futuro otras personas los agarrarán y los llevarán al juez y también en las sinagogas las personas los maltratarán y azotarán y cuando terminen los llevarán ante el gobierno o el rey porque uds creen en mi, Jesús. Uds cuentenles su testimonio.

Oigan, cuando las personas los arresten no se preocupen imaginando: ‘¿Qué voy a decir ante el juez?’ No se preocupen, el espíritu santo les ayudará suficiente para que uds puedan contarles.

Les advierto: en el futuro un hermano verá que su hermano cree en Jesús y lo entregará y matarán a su hermano, un papá verá que su hijo cree en Jesús y lo entregará y su hijo será matado, y habrá hijos que verán que sus padres creen en Jesús y estarán en contra y matarán sus padres.

Les advierto personas en todo el mundo les odiarán porque uds creen en mi, Jesús, pero si uds son fieles hasta la muerta serán salvados.”

Marcos escribió: “Uds necesitan leerlo y entenderlo.”

Jesus and the disciples were walking and the disciples said: “Teacher, look at the temple, how big its stones are, wow it’s wonderful!”

Jesus (said): “Look at how big the temple is?! I warn you, in the future the temple will fall down and be destroyed.”

The group continued walking and afterwards on the Mount of olives Jesus sat down opposite the temple to see it. When Peter, James, John and Andrew saw that there were no people around, they went up to him.

They said: “Jesus, what you told us just now, when will that come true? How will we find out?”

Jesus (said): “Look, I’ll explain it to you, in the future you will hear that a war has come and people will warn you that there is another war, but do not be frightened, it is not the end of the world yet.

“Look, in the future there will be wars in different parts of the world and strong earthquakes and hunger band there will also be false people who will talk pretending: ‘I am Jesus Christ’ and they will deceive the people and many people will believe it (they will go) ‘really, really?’ and they will fall for it.

“Be careful, stay away from them, these five things are the beginning of the suffering but it is not the end of the world yet.

“It is necessary that the gospel first be preached and announced in different languages and spread throughout the world.

“I warn you be careful. In the future other people will take hold of you and take you to the judge and also in the synagogues the people will mistreat you and whip you and when they are done they will take you before the government or the king because you believe in me, Jesus. Tell them your testimony.

“Listen, when people arrest you do not worry, imagining: ”What will I say before the judge?’ Don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will help you sufficiently so that you can tell them.

“I warn you, in the future a brother will see that his brother believed in Jesus, and he will hand him over and they will kill his brother, a father will see that his son believes in Jesus and he will hand him over and his son will be killed, and there will be some children who will see that their parents believe in Jesus and they will be against them and kill their parents.

“I warn you that people in the whole world will hate you because you believe in me, Jesus, but if you are faithful until death, you will be saved.”

Mark wrote: “You need to read it and understand it.”

Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

<< Mark 12:41-44 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 13:14-23 in Mexican Sign Language >>

Mark 13:1-13 in Russian Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 13:1-13 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:

Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество

Jesus and his disciples left the Temple. One of the disciples looked at the Temple, admired it, and said:

— Teacher, look at this Temple! It’s big, beautiful, the stones are so strong!

Jesus answered:

— Yes, the Temple is large and beautiful, but the time will come when it will be completely destroyed, not a single stone will remain intact.

Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives. The Temple was clearly visible from the Mount of Olives. Only four disciples were with Jesus: Peter, James, John, Andrew. The disciples began to ask Jesus:

— Tell us, what will be the sign that the Temple will soon be destroyed?

Jesus answered them:

— First, many people will say: “God sent me, I am Christ.” Many will teach this. But they are liars. Many people will listen to them and believe them. But you, beware! Do not believe them!

Secondly, rumors will spread that wars are happening in different places, that one kingdom is going to war against another.

Thirdly, earthquakes will occur here and there throughout the earth. Fourthly, there will be famine and various troubles throughout the earth. But do not be afraid when you look at all this, do not think that this is the end of the world. All these events are signs to be prepared. This is only the beginning of great suffering. It is like, for example, a woman, when it is time for her to give birth, she has contractions before labor. Be prepared for different people to grab you and take you to court. There, in the house of judgment, they will beat you. They will grab you and lead you before the rulers, so that you proclaim me, Jesus Christ, there. But first, all the peoples of the earth will know the Good News about me.

When you are brought to trial, do not worry about how to speak. The Spirit that is in you will explain it to you.

I also tell you that one brother will be angry with another brother because he believed in me, and he will kill him. Likewise, parents will be angry with their own children who believed in Christ, they will be angry with them and kill them. Also, children will be angry and will kill their own parents who believed in Jesus. People will hate you because you believed in Jesus.

But a person who stands firm and follows Christ, despite all the difficulties, God will save such a person and grant him eternal life.

Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):

Иисус вместе с учениками вышел из Храма. Один из учеников смотрел на Храм, восхищался и сказал:

— Учитель, смотри какой Храм! Большой, красивый, камни такие крепкие!

Иисус ответил:

— Да, Храм большой красивый, но придет время, когда он будет полностью разрушен, ни одного камня целого не останется.

Иисус поднялся на Масличную гору. Прямо с Масличной горы хорошо был виден Храм. С Иисусом были только четверо учеников — Петр, Иаков, Иоанн, Андрей. Ученики стали спрашивать Иисуса:

— Подскажи нам, как будет знамение, что Храм скоро разрушится?

Иисус им ответил:

— Во-первых, многие люди станут говорить: «это меня послал Бог, я — Христос». Многие стану так учить. Но они — лжецы. Многие люди их послушают и поверят. Но вы же, берегитесь! Не верьте им!

В-вторых, будут распространяться слухи, что в разных местах происходят войны, что одно царство идет войной на другое.

В-третьих, по всей земле то тут, то там будут происходить землетрясения. В-четвертых, по всей земле будет голод и разные беды. Но вы, глядя на все это, не бойтесь, не думайте, что это конец мира. Эти все события — знамения, чтобы быть готовым. Это лишь начало великих страданий. Это как, например, женщина, когда ей пришло время родить, перед родами у нее схватки. Будьте готовы, что разные люди будут хватать вас и вести на суд. Там, в доме суда, вас будут бить. Будут вас хватать и вести пред лицо правителей, чтобы вы там возвещали обо мне, Иисусе Христе. Но сначала все народы земли узнают обо мне Радостную Весть.

Когда вас поведут на суд, не беспокойтесь, как говорить. Дух, который будет в вас, он объяснит вам.

Еще говорю вам, что один брат, будет гневаться на другого брата за то, что тот поверил мне, и убьет его. Так же и родители, будут гневаться на собственных детей, которые поверили в Христа, будут гневаться на них и убивать. Также дети будут гневаться и будут убивать собственных родителей, которые поверили в Иисус. Люди будут ненавидеть вас, по причине того что вы уверовали в Иисуса.

Но человек, который твердо стоит и идет за Христом, несмотря на все трудности, такого человека Бог спасет и одарит его вечной жизнью.

Back-translation by Luka Manevich

<< Mark 12:41-44 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 13:14-23 in Russian Sign Language >>

complete verse (Mark 13:6)

Following are a number of back-translations of Mark 13:6:

  • Uma: “For many people will appear who will say that they are the Redeemer King, with the result that many people will be deceived.” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
  • Yakan: “For many will come calling themselves by my name and saying that they are Almasi. And they will deceive many.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
  • Western Bukidnon Manobo: “For many will appear using my name, and each one of them will say that he is chosen by God to rule, and many will believe their lies.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
  • Kankanaey: “Because many are those who will come saying, ‘I emphatically am the Messiah,’ and they will deceive many.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
  • Tagbanwa: “Because many are those who will come falsely-claiming my name, saying, ‘I am the one who is meant by Cristo.’ Really many will be misled by them.” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)

1st person pronoun referring to God (Japanese)

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Like a number of other East Asian languages, Japanese uses a complex system of honorifics, i.e. a system where a number of different levels of politeness are expressed in language via words, word forms or grammatical constructs. These can range from addressing someone or referring to someone with contempt (very informal) to expressing the highest level of reference (as used in addressing or referring to God) or any number of levels in-between. One way Japanese shows different degree of politeness is through the choice of a first person singular and plural pronoun (“I” and “we” and its various forms) as shown here in the widely-used Japanese Shinkaiyaku (新改訳) Bible of 2017. The most commonly used watashi/watakushi (私) is typically used when the speaker is humble and asking for help. In these verses, where God / Jesus is referring to himself, watashi is also used but instead of the kanji writing system (私) the syllabary hiragana (わたし) is used to distinguish God from others. (Source: S. E. Doi, see also S. E. Doi in Journal of Translation, 18/2022, p. 37ff. )

See also pronoun for “God”.

Translation commentary on Mark 13:6


epi tō onomati mou (cf. 9.37) ‘in my name’: some difficulty arises from the fact that the phrase ordinarily means ‘on my account,’ ‘for my sake,’ ‘in my behalf’; here, however, it seems to demand the meaning, ‘representing to be me,’ ‘as though they were I,’ since they will say, “I am he.” Arndt & Gingrich suggest ‘using my name’; ‘in my name’ is the reading of most English translations (cf. Vulgate in nomine meo); Lagrange has sous mon nom. Notwithstanding the difficulty, some such translation as Revised Standard Version ‘in my name,’ or ‘under my name,’ will probably convey the meaning without involving the statement in any contradiction.

hoti ‘that’ introduces direct statement.

egō eimi literally ‘I am’ or ‘It is I’ (cf. 6.50); here, clearly, a claim to be the Messiah – ‘I am He’ (cf. 14.62), or, in accordance with Marcan language, ‘I am the Son of man’ (cf. v. 26).


For the use of in my name see 9.37, but in this context a special rendering is often required, e.g. ‘making use of my name,’ ‘calling themselves by my name,’ or ‘applying my name to themselves.’

I am he is sometimes very ambiguous, especially as this expression is spoken by Jesus. Hence, ‘I am the Christ’ or ‘I am the Son of man’ is a much closer equivalent. In languages which generally prefer an indirect form of discourse, this statement may be less ambiguous, e.g. ‘they will say that they are I,’ or ‘they will say that they are what I am.’

A further complication may be found in the shift from plural to singular in the form of the direct discourse, e.g. ‘many will come…, each will say, I am he.’ Moreover, the plural of ‘many’ must be interpreted as distributive, not as collective, for each person claims for himself the Messiahship.

For lead many astray see the previous verse.

Quoted with permission from Bratcher, Robert G. and Nida, Eugene A. A Handbook on the Gospel of Mark. (UBS Handbook Series). New York: UBS, 1961. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

SIL Translator's Notes on Mark 1:36


In this verse the focus of the story changes briefly from Jesus in a solitary place to Simon and his companions back at the house. In some languages it may be necessary to indicate this change of focus in some way. For example:

Now as for Simon and his companions

Simon and his companions went to look for Him: The Greek text does not say when Simon and his companions went to look for Jesus. The previous verse implies that they went after they woke up and discovered that Jesus was not in the house. In some languages some or all of this implied information may be clear from the context of the story. In other languages it may be clearer and more natural to make some of this information explicit. For example:

Later Simon and the others went out (New Living Translation)
When Simon and his companions woke up and saw that Jesus was not there, they went…

Simon and his companions: The Greek phrase that the Berean Standard Bible translates as Simon and his companions is literally “Simon and the ones with him.” Simon’s companions may have been the other disciples, but others may also have been included. This phrase may be translated in several ways. For example:

Simon and his friends (God’s Word)
Simon and the others (New Living Translation)

went to look for Him: In this context, the Greek verb that the Berean Standard Bible translates as look for means “search diligently.” It may also imply that Simon and his companions searched anxiously.

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