
The Greek that is usually translated as “parable” in English is translated in other languages in a number of ways:

In British Sign Language it is translated with a sign that combines the signs for “tell-a-story” and “compare.” (Source: Anna Smith)

“Parable” in British Sign Language (source: Christian BSL, used with permission)

Scot McKnight (in The Second Testament, publ. 2023) translates it into English as analogy because “the Greek word has the sense of tossing down something alongside something else. Hence an analogy.”

See also image and figures of speech.

Mark 12:1 - 12 in Mexican Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 12:1-12 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:

© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)

Jesús empezó a enseñar diciendo: “Un ejemplo: un hombre, dueño de un terreno lo aró (y pusó) plantas de uvas, después construyó un cerco alrededor y después cavó un ollo cuadrado y puso un piedra plano adentro para poner las uvas y aplastarlas pisandolas para que saliera el jugo para (hacer) vino.

Construyó un torre para que personas vigilaran y después el dueño llamó un grupo de personas (y dijo): ‘yo voy de viaje, uds trabajen cuidando las plantas de uva y después cuando estén listos uds y yo las dividimos mitad y mitad, ¿de acuerdo? OK?’ Y se fue.

Después de un tiempo el dueño sintió que las plantas de uva allá estarían listos y dijo a un siervo: ‘vete a mi terreno, antes acordamos a que dividiríamos las uvas mitad y mitad, traemelas.’

El siervo fue pero las personas lo asaltaron y golpearon y lo expulsaron y regresó (diciendo): ‘No me dieron nada de uvas.’

Mandó segundo siervo a que fuera y él fue pero las personas lo insultaron y golpearon y regresó, y mandó otro, el tercero, a que fuera y él fue y lo mataron.

Otros siervos fueron pero una y otra vez los golpearon y mataron y finalmente el dueño sintió: ‘creo que a mi hijo amado tendrían respeto’ y lo mandó a que fuera.

Fue y las personas dialogaron juntos (diciendo): ‘Este es el hijo del dueño, el heredero, mejor que lo matemos y entonces nosotros heredaremos’, y lo asaltaron y mataron y tiraron su cuerpo afuera.”

Jesús dijo: “¿Qué piensan uds que hará el dueño? Encontrará y matará a todas las personas y entregará (el terreno) a otras personas nuevas, ¿de acuerdo?”

˜Oigan, ¿no han visto y leído el rollo de la palabra de Dios? Dice que las personas que construyen (dirán que) el piedra grande no sirve y lo tirarán, pero Dios sí usará la piedra y la pondrá como piedra abajo de la esquina para constuir un edificio, uds lo verán como maravilloso.”

Los líderes lo oyeron: ‘Caray, Jesús lo dice como en contra de nosotros’, y querían arrestar a Jesús pero tenían miedo, ‘mejor no porque habría una estorba de todas las personas’ y lo dejaron y se fueron.

Jesus began to teach saying: “An example, a man, owner of a field, plowed it and (put) grape plants, then he built a fence around it and dug a square hole in which he put a flat stone to put grapes on and squash them by stepping on them so that the juice would run out to (make) wine.

“He built a tower for people to keep watch and then the owner called a group of people (and said): “I am going on a journey, you work and take care of the grape plants and then when they are ready we divide them in two halves, agreed? OK?’ And he went off.

“After a time the owner felt that the grape plants would be ready and he said to a servant: ‘go to my land, before we agreed to divide the grapes half-half, bring them to me.’

“The servant went but the people attacked him and beat him and threw him out and he came back (saying): ‘They did not give me any grapes.’

“He ordered a second servant to go and he went but the people insulted him and beat him and he came back and he ordered a third and he went and they killed him.

“Other servants went but time and time again they beat them and killed them and finally the owner felt: ‘I believe that they would respect my beloved son’ and he sent him to go.

“He went and the people discussed together (saying): ‘This is the son of the owner, the heir, it’s better that we kill him and then we will inherit’ and they attacked him and killed him and threw his body outside.”

Jesus said: “What do you think the owner will do? He will meet and kill all these people and hand over (the field) to other, new, people, right?”

˜Listen, have you not seen and read the scroll of the Word of God? It says that the people who build (will say that) the big stone is useless and will throw it out, but God will use the stone and will put the stone under the corner for the construction of a building, you will see it as wonderful.”

The leaders heard it: ‘Oh no, Jesus talks as if it is against us’ and they wanted to arrest Jesus but they were afraid, ‘better not because there will be a disturbance among all the people’ and they left him and went away.

Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

<< Mark 11:27-33 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 12:13-17 in Mexican Sign Language >>

Mark 12:1-12 in Russian Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 12:1-12 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:

Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество

The chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the elders stood on one side. Jesus taught the people. A large crowd gathered around Jesus. Jesus began to tell a parable:

There was a man, the owner. He had his own plot of land. He fenced it and planted grapes there.

Then he made a hole in the stone; in it a tube. When the grapes grow, they will harvest, then throw them into this hole and trample them. The juice will flow through this tube, and they will make wine from it.

This man also built a tower so that the guards could protect the area, so that strangers would not enter. He prepared all this. Then he called the workers and said to them:

— I give you this plot, look after it, cultivate the land, this vineyard. And when it ripens, we will divide the harvest. I will take part for myself, part for you.

And the owner went far, far away, on his own business. Time passed, autumn came, the owner called the servant and said: I have a plot of grapes. Go there and take some of the harvest.

The servant obeyed and went to that place, to the plot. The people who worked there decided that they would not give anything to this servant. They beat the servant and threw him out.

He left empty-handed. The owner saw that, called another servant, and also sent him there to take part of the harvest. The second servant came to the place. The workers saw the servant again, talked among themselves and decided that they would not give anything.

They grabbed him, beat him on the head, beat him very hard, beat him very cruelly. And then the master called a third servant and also sent him to that place. And when the third servant came there, those evil people also did not give anything, they grabbed him and killed him.

The owner says: I sent and sent my servants there so many times, and those workers beat them, killed those whom I sent there.

The owner thought: What to do?

He had an only, beloved son. The owner thought: If I send my son, they will not dare to touch him.

And he ordered his son to go there. The workers saw the son and began to talk among themselves:

— But he is the owner’s son. He will inherit and take possession of this plot. Let’s kill him and seize this plot for ourselves!

When the son approached, they grabbed him, killed him and threw him outside the area.

What will the owner do then?

Of course, he will come, seize these workers and punish them all with death. And he will give the area to other people.

Jesus said to the chief priests, scribes, and elders:

— You know what is written in the Scripture:

People gathered to build a house of stones. Suddenly they decided that one stone was not needed and threw it away. They continued to build the house, but without this stone. The Lord commanded that this stone should be the most important in the house. The builders saw that the Lord had performed a miracle.

The elders who were standing around realized that Jesus was telling this parable against them. They were indignant and wanted to seize Jesus, but they could not do so because there were so many people around.

They decided: Let’s do nothing and leave.

And they left.

Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):

Первосвященники, учителя закона и старейшины стояли с одной стороны. Иисус учил народ. Вокруг Иисуса собралась большая толпа. Иисус начал рассказывать притчу:

Был один человек, хозяин. У него был свой участок земли. Он огородил его, посадил там виноград.

Потом сделал яму в камне; в ней трубочка. Когда виноград вырастет, соберут урожай, то бросят в эту яму и будут топтать. Сок потечет по этой трубочке, и из него сделают вино.

Также этот человек построил башню для того, чтобы сторожа охраняли, чтобы чужие не заходили на участок. Он все это подготовил. Потом позвал работников и сказал им:

— Я даю вам этот участок, ухаживайте, обрабатывайте землю, этот виноградник. И когда он созреет, мы поделим урожай. Часть я себе заберу, часть вам.

И хозяин уехал далеко-далеко, по своим делам. Прошло время, наступила осень, хозяин позвал слугу и сказал: У меня есть участок с виноградом. Иди туда и часть урожая забери.

Слуга послушался и пошел на то место, на участок. Люди же, которые там работали, решили, что не будут ничего давать этому слуге. Они избили слугу и выгнали вон.

Он ушел с пустыми руками. Хозяин увидел, позвал другого слугу, также отправил его туда забрать часть урожая. Второй слуга пришел на место. Работники опять увидели слугу, между собой поговорили и решили, что не дадут ничего.

Они схватили его, избили по голове, очень сильно били, очень жестоко его избили. И тогда хозяин позвал третьего слугу и также отправил в то место. И третий слуга пришел туда, а те злые люди также ничего не дали, они схватили его и убили.

Хозяин говорит: Я сколько отправлял-посылал туда моих слуг, а те работники избивали их, убивали тех, кого я посылал туда.

Хозяин думал: Что же делать?

У него был единственный, любимый сын. Хозяин подумал: Если я отправлю сына они не посмеют его тронуть.

И он повелел сыну отправляться туда. Работники увидели сына и стали между собой сговариваться:

— Да ведь это же сын хозяина. Это он получит наследство и завладеет этим участком. Давайте мы его убьем и захватим этот участок себе!

Когда сын приблизился, они его схватили, убили и бросили за участок.

Что же тогда будет делать хозяин?

Конечно же, он придет, схватит этих работников и покарает их все смертью. А участок он отдаст другим людям.

Иисус сказал первосвященникам, книжникам, старейшинам:

— Вы ведь знаете, что написано в Писании:

Собрались люди, чтобы построить дом из камней. Вдруг они решили, что один камень не нужен и выбросили его. Они продолжали строить дом, но без этого камня. Господь повелел, чтобы этот камень был самый важный в доме. Увидели строители, что так Господь совершил чудо.

Старейшины, которые стояли вокруг, поняли, что Иисус рассказывает эту притчу против них. Они негодовали и хотели схватить Иисуса, но они не смогли этого сделать, потому что было очень много людей вокруг.

Они решили: Давайте лучше не будем ничего делать и уйдем.

И они ушли.

Back-translation by Luka Manevich

<< Mark 11:27-33 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 12:13-17 in Russian Sign Language >>

complete verse (Mark 12:12)

Following are a number of back-translations of Mark 12:12:

  • Uma: “When the Yahudi leaders heard Yesus’ words, they wanted to catch him, for they knew that they were the ones that he was aiming at with his parable. But they didn’t dare to catch him, for they feared the crowds. So they left him.” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
  • Yakan: “So-then, those leaders of the Yahudi wanted already to seize Isa, because they understood that he was implying them in the parable about that garden. But they did not seize him because they were afraid of the crowds. Therefore they left him there and they went away.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
  • Western Bukidnon Manobo: “Then those leaders of the Jews understood that they were the ones meant in the parable. They thought they would like to seize Jesus, but they could not because they were afraid of the many people. And then they left Jesus alone and left.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
  • Kankanaey: “Then those leaders of the Jews wanted to arrest Jesus, because they knew that they were the ones the parable was talking-about. But they were afraid of the many-people, so they left-him.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
  • Tagbanwa: “Without anything further, the chiefs of the priests wanted to arrest Jesus, for they understood that they were the ones alluded to in that which was illustrated. But they were indeed afraid of the crowd of people, therefore they didn’t dare. They then went off.” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)

Translation commentary on Mark 12:12


The words in this verse have already been dealt with: for zēteō ‘seek,’ here meaning ‘attempt,’ ‘try’ cf. 3.32; krateō ‘seize,’ ‘arrest’ cf. 1.31; ephobēthēsan tōn ochlon ‘they feared the crowd’ cf. 11.32; aphiēmi ‘leave,’ ‘forsake’ cf. 2.5.

egnōsan ‘they knew’ here means ‘they perceived,’ ‘they understood.’

pros ‘with reference to’; in the context, almost ‘against.’


They is obscure, for it refers back to the ‘chief priests and the scribes and the elders’ of 11.27. However, rather than repeat this expression one can remove the ambiguity (in which the pronouns might refer to the tenants, referred to in the preceding parable, or to the people in general), by saying ‘those to whom Jesus addressed his words’ or ‘those to whom Jesus was speaking.’ In Tzotzil one may say ‘his opponents’ to distinguish this group.

Arrest may require an indirect causative in some languages ‘cause him to be seized,’ since the authorities would not themselves take him in hand but would order soldiers to do it.

Against them must refer back to the authorities.

The relationship of ideas in this verse may require in some languages a recasting of the order, since the causal introduced by for does not give the reason for the immediately preceding event, namely, ‘the fearing of the multitude’ but for the desire on the part of the authorities to arrest Jesus. The Greek order of clauses, 1, 2, 3, 4 is shifted for example in Navajo to 3, 1, 2, 4, e.g. ‘perceiving that he was speaking against them, they sought to…; but because they feared the multitude, they left him….’

Quoted with permission from Bratcher, Robert G. and Nida, Eugene A. A Handbook on the Gospel of Mark. (UBS Handbook Series). New York: UBS, 1961. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

SIL Translator's Notes on Mark 12:12


the leaders sought: The Greek word that the Berean Standard Bible translates as the leaders sought is literally “they sought,” as in the New King James Version. The Berean Standard Bible uses the phrase the leaders sought to refer clearly to the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders, who were last mentioned in 11:27. Refer to these leaders in a way that is natural in your language.

sought to arrest Jesus: The religious leaders tried to think of a way to arrest Jesus secretly so the people would not know about it. Otherwise, the people who followed Jesus might cause a riot by trying to defend him.

arrest: The Greek word that the Berean Standard Bible translates as arrest has several meanings. Here it means “seize, capture,” and it implies that the leaders wanted to take Jesus away for trial and punishment.


for: The Greek word that the Berean Standard Bible translates as for introduces the reason why the religious leaders wanted to arrest Jesus.

they knew that He had spoken this parable against them: The Jewish leaders understood that Jesus had told the story of the grape farm as a warning to them. (Jesus may also have given the metaphor of the stone as a warning to them.) Jesus meant that when they rejected him, they rejected the one whom God had sent. They understood that Jesus meant that God would certainly punish them if they did not repent. This was why they wanted to arrest Jesus.

In some languages it may be necessary to express the meaning more explicitly. For example, in 12:12a–b, the New Living Translation, 1996 edition says:

The Jewish leaders wanted to arrest him for using this illustration because they realized he was pointing at them—they were the wicked farmers in his story.

See parable, Type 3, in the Glossary for how to translate parable in this context.


But fearing the crowd: This phrase explains why the Jewish religious leaders did not arrest Jesus yet. (See 12:12a.) They were afraid that the many other people there might riot and try to help Jesus. They knew that the people respected Jesus and that many people believed his teaching.

The leaders had wanted or tried to arrest Jesus, but they did not do it yet. In some languages it may be necessary to make that information explicit. For example:

But they did not arrest him because they were afraid of the people


they left Him and went away: The leaders left Jesus because they were afraid to arrest him.

General Comment on 12:12a–d

In some languages it may be necessary to change the order of the parts in this verse. For example, the Revised English Bible says:

12bThey saw that the parable was aimed at them 12aand wanted to arrest him; 12cbut they were afraid of the people, 12dso they left him alone and went away.

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All Scripture quotations in this publication, unless otherwise indicated, are from The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible.
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