The Greek that is translated as “perceived in his spirit” and “sighed deeply in his spirit” in English is translated in the German New Testament translation by Berger / Nord (publ. 1999) as las Gedanken, dank des Heiligen Geistes, er ihm gegegeben war (Mark 2:8) or “read (their) thoughts because he had been given the Holy Spirit” and seufzte, weil dies den Heiligen Geist in ihm betrübte or “sighed because it saddened the Holy Spirit within him” (Mark 8:12).
The Greek that is translated into English as “(this) generation” is translated as “the people now” into Chol, “those who are in space now” into Tzeltal or “you people” into Tlahuitoltepec Mixe. (Source: Bratcher / Nida; Mixe: Robert Bascom)
Generic terms for the Greek that is translated as “generation” include “(people of one) layer” (Ekari, Toraja-Sa’dan, Batak Toba), or “one storey of growing” (Highland Totonac, using a term also denoting a storey or floor of a building). (Source: Reiling / Swellengrebel)
See also generations and all generations.
The Greek that is typically translated in English as “sign” is translated in Huehuetla Tepehua as “thing to be marveled at” (source: Larson 1889, p. 279) and in Mairasi as “big work” (source: Enggavoter 2004).
spirit (lower case)
The Greek that is typically translated as “spirit” in English is translated in Warao as “obojona.” Obojona is a term that “includes the concepts of consciousness, will, attitude, attention and a few other miscellaneous notions.” (Source: Henry Osborn in The Bible Translator 1969, p. 74ff. )
See other occurrences of Obojona in the Warao New Testament.
truly truly - I tell you
Mark 8:10b - 21 in Mexican Sign Language
Following is the translation of Mark 8:10b-21 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:
© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)
El barco llegó en el lugar Dalmanuta. Jesús salió del barco y vino un grupo de Fariseos. Dijeron: “Una prueba, haz un milagro, manda que el cielo se transforme. Nosotros lo queremos ver en persona.”
Jesús dijo: “Todos uds siempre insisten que quieren ver que yo muestre algo, como prueba. ¿Porqué? No los voy a obedecer.” Y se fue caminando, entró el barco, y el barco se piró.
El barco estaba navigando y los discípulos habían olvidado a traer pan. Otro discípulo dijo: “Hay un pan”, y el barco estaba navigando.
Después Jesús miró alrededor y dijo: “Les advierto, ¡cuidado¡ Por ejemplo, una persona que está haciendo pan, pone un poco de levadura cuando está amasando y la masa sube. Esto es parecido a los Fariseos y al Rey Herodes.
Los discípulos se preguntaron: “¿Qué quiere decir, es porque no traímos pan?”
Jesús dijo: “¿Porqué están hablando de que no hay pan? No entienden, todavía no lo han descubierto. Son duros de mente.”
Tienen ojos pero son distraídos (no ponen atención), tienen oídos pero son distraídos.
¿No recuerdan que me veían recientemente con los cinco panes que rompí y repartí a los 5000 hombres para comer? Después ¿cuántas canastas llenas de sobras había?
Los discípulos: “Doce.”
Yo en otra ocasión recientemente con los siete panes que rompí y repartí a 4000 personas para comer. ¿Después cuántas canastas llenas de sobras había?
Los discípulos: “Siete.”
Jesús dijo: “¿Cómo es que todavía no entienden?”
The boat arrived in the place Dalmanuta. Jesus got out of the boat and a group of Pharisees came. They said: “A test, do a miracle, order the heavens to transform. We want to see it in person.”
Jesus said: “All you people always insist that you want to see me show something, as a test. Why? I will not obey you.” And he walked away and got into the boat and it left.
The boat was sailing and the disciples had forgotten to bring bread. Another disciples said: “There is one loaf of bread”, and the boat sailed on.
Then Jesus looked around and said: “I warn you, be careful! For example, a person who is making bread puts a little yeast in the dough when she is kneading and the dough rises. This is like the Pharisees and King Herod.
The disciples wondered: “What does it mean, is it because we did not bring bread?”
Jesus said: “Why are you talking about there not being any bread? You don’t understand, you still haven’t got it. You are hardheaded.
“You have eyes but you are distracted (you don’t pay attention), you have ears but you are distracted.
“You don’t remember when you saw me just before breaking the five loaves of bread and handing them out to 5000 men to eat? Then how many baskets full of leftovers were there?”
The disciples: “Twelve.”
And on another recent occasion with the seven loaves of bread that I broke and handed out to 4000 people to eat. Afterwards how many baskets full of leftovers were there?
The disciples: “Seven.”
Jesus said: “How is it that you still don’t understand?”
Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
<< Mark 8:1-10a in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 8:22-26 in Mexican Sign Language >>
Mark 8:11-13 in Russian Sign Language
Following is the translation of Mark 8:11-13 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:
Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество
The Pharisees came up to Jesus and his disciples and said:
— Do you have a relationship with God? Prove it! Show us a miracle from God!
Jesus said to them:
— You present-day people are looking for proofs, signs, miracles. It is all in vain. God will not show any miracles.
Jesus got back into the boat with the disciples and they went to another place.
Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):
Фарисеи подошли к Иисус с учениками и сказали:
— Разве у тебя есть связь с Богом? Докажи! Покажи нам чудо от Бога!
Иисус сказал им:
— Вы, нынешние люди, ищете доказательств, знамений, чудес. Это все напрасно. Бог не будет показывать никаких чудес.
Иисус вновь сел в лодку с учениками, и они поплыли в другое место.
Back-translation by Luka Manevich
<< Mark 8:1-10 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 8:14-21 in Russian Sign Language >>
complete verse (Mark 8:12)
Following are a number of back-translations of Mark 8:12:
- Uma: “When Yesus heard their words, he sighed [lit., pulled his breath], and said: ‘Why do the people who live at this time request amazing signs? I refuse [to do it]! Indeed I tell you, I will not show you the amazing sign that you request.'” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
- Yakan: “Isa took a deep breath and he said to them, ‘The people nowadays always only ask for signs. Truly I tell you, I will show you no sign.'” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
- Western Bukidnon Manobo: “That caused the breath of Jesus to be painful, and he said to them, ‘You my fellow Jews, why is it necessary for you to see a miraculous sign before you will believe? It’s true what I say to you that no sign will be shown to you.'” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
- Kankanaey: “Jesus sighed due-to his sadness (lit. pain of his mind/thoughts) and he said, ‘Why do people nowadays insist that I show an amazing sign to them? This that I say to you is true that emphatically nothing will be shown to them.'” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
- Tagbanwa: “Jesus sighed (lit. took a deep breath) through the big-size of his grief, and he spoke saying, ‘Why do people today ask for a sign? This is the truth which I say to you, that I won’t show any sign at all to you.'” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)
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