The Greek that is translated as “leafy branches” or similar in English is translated in the German New Testament translation by Berger / Nord (publ. 1999) with Büschel von Binsen or “bundles of rush .”
cut (branches)
The Greek that is translated in English as “cut (branches)” had to be further specified in Chilcotin with the word xadajelht’az (“they cut off with knife-like tool”)
“Our Native translator asked if they used a saw, knife or an axe. Why? Because cutting with each of these instruments (and scissors as well) requires different verb stems. We concluded that they used knife-like instruments!”
Quindel King in Northern Canada Evangelical Mission, p. 70.
See also this devotion on YouVersion .
The triumphal entry in Jerusalem (image)
Hand colored stencil print on momigami by Sadao Watanabe (1982).
Image taken with permission from the SadaoHanga Catalogue where you can find many more images and information about Sadao Watanabe.
For other images of Sadao Watanabe art works in TIPs, see here.
Holy entrance (image)
Image taken from He Qi Art . For purchasing prints of this and other artworks by He Qi go to .
For other images of He Qi art works in TIPs, see here.
Mark 1:14-20 in Russian Sign Language
Following is the translation of Mark 1:14-20 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:
Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество
Here’s what happened. This is the messenger John. He was captured and imprisoned. After that Jesus went back to Galilee. There are villages there. Jesus went through the villages and preached. Jesus was speaking to the people:
— God has a kingdom and authority. They approached. Repent, be changed! Stop your sins and evil deeds. Come back to be one with God. Believe what I say to you.
Jesus went and spoke to the people. There is a lake there. Jesus came to the lake. There were two men by the lake. The first man’s name was Simon and the second man’s name was Andrew. They were brothers. They were casting nets to catch fish. Jesus was passing by, noticed them and said to them:
— Follow me! I will give you my authority, and you will no longer be fishers of fish, but fishers of men. Follow me.
The brothers looked at Jesus and agreed. They threw down their nets and followed Jesus.
After a while, the laborers and fishermen gathered there. There were two men on the boat. The first was James and the second was John. They were brothers. Their father was also with them. They were mending torn nets. Jesus was passing by, noticed them and said:
— Both of you, follow me!
The brothers looked at Jesus, agreed. To their father and all the workers they said:
— We are going to follow Jesus.
Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):
Вот что случилось. Вот вестник Иоанн. Его схватили и заключили в тюрьму. После этого Иисус вернулся в Галилею. Есть там деревни. Иисус ходил по деревням и проповедовал. Иисус обращался к людям:
— У Бога есть царство и власть. Они приблизились. Вы покайтесь, изменитесь! Прекратите ваши грехи и злые дела. Вернитесь к единению с Богом. Верьте в то, что я говорю вам.
Иисус ходил и обращался к людям. Есть там озеро. Иисус пришел к озеру. Возле озера были два человека. Первого звали Симон, второго — Андрей. Они были братья. Они закидывали сети, чтобы ловить рыбу. Иисус проходил мимо, заметил их и сказал им:
— Следуйте за мной! Я дам вам мою власть, и вы больше не будете ловить рыбу, но будете ловцами людей. Следуйте за мной.
Братья посмотрели на Иисуса и согласились. Они бросили сети и последовали за Иисусом.
Через какое-то время там собрались рабочие и рыбаки. На лодке были два человека. Первый — Иаков, второй — Иоанн. Они были братья. С ними был также их отец. Они чинили порванные сети. Иисус проходил мимо, заметил их и говорит:
— Вы оба, следуйте за мной!
Братья посмотрели на Иисуса, согласились. Своему отцу и все работникам они сказали:
— Мы пойдем следовать за Иисусом.
Back-translation by Luka Manevich
<< Mark 1:9-13 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 1:21-28 in Russian Sign Language >>
Mark 11:1 - 11 in Mexican Sign Language
Following is the translation of Mark 11:1-11 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:
© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)
Jesús y los discípulos estaban caminando y vieron enfrente de ellos el Monte de los Olivos.
Allá cerca estaba el pueblo de Betania y más allá Betfagé, cerca de Jerusalén.
Jesús dijo a dos discípulos: Uds dos vayanse al pueblo de Betfagé y verán que hay un burro chico que todavía no ha sido montado por nadie.
El burro está atado, quiten la cuerda y si alguien les dice: “¿porqué toman el burro?” uds dos digan: “espera un poco, Jesús necesita el burro, nosotros dos lo tomamos y después vendremos otra vez aquí y dejaremos el burro.”
Jesús (dijo): “¿entienden?” Y los discipulos lo afirmaron y se fueron a Betfagé y yendo por el camino vieron una casa y a la puerta había un burro atado.
Los dos lo desataron y alguien los vio y dijo: ¿Porqué toman el burro? Los dos discípulos se dieron cuenta de que era exactamente lo que Jesús había dicho antes y dijeron: “Mira” y lo explicaron, y las personas (dijeron): “Sí, tienen permiso, vayanse.”
Los dos discípulos tomaron el burro y lo llevaron, y pusieron sus mantos en la espalda del burro.
Jesús montó el burro y fueron y una multitud de personas vino y caminaba con ellos y punían sus mantos en la calle, y cortaban ramas de los árboles y las ponían en el camino.
Jesús estaba andando el burro y muchas personas caminaban enfrente de él y atrás de él caminaba mucha gente y estaban alegres y gritaban: “alabado sea Dios que ya ha entregado la autoridad a Jesús, Dios bendiga su familia, la descendencia del Rey David de mucho antes, este es el rey bendito, ¡huy! Dios, salvanos ahorita.”
La multitud estaba caminando y Jesús estaba andando en el burro y llegaron al templo de Jerusalén y Jesús miró al templo, y como ya era tarde Jesús regresó al pueblo de Betania.
Jesus and the disciples were walking and they saw in front of them the Mount of Olives.
Over there close by was the village of Bethany and further on Bethphage, near Jerusalem.
Jesus said to two disciples: “You two go off to the village of Bethphage and you will say that there is a little donkey there that nobody has ridden yet.
“The donkey is tied up, take off the rope and if anyone says to you: ‘Why are you taking the donkey?’ tell them: ‘Wait a little, Jesus needs the donkey, we will take it and afterwards we will come here again and leave the donkey.'”
Jesus (said): “understood?” And the disciples affirmed and went to Bethphage, and going on their way they saw a house and at the door there was a donkey tied up.
The two of them untied it and someone saw them and said: “Why are you taking the donkey?” The disciples realized that it was exactly what Jesus had just said and they said: “Look” and they explained it and the people (said): “Yes, you have permission, off you go.”
The two disciples took the donkey and led it away and they put their mantles on the back of the donkey.
Jesus got on the donkey and they went and a multitude of people came and walked with them and they put their mantles on the road and cut branches of the trees and put them on the road.
Jesus was riding on the donkey and many people walked in front of him and behind him came many people and they were happy and shouted: “Praise be to God who has given the authority to Jesus, God bless his family, the descendants of King David of long ago, this is the blessed king, wow. God, save us now.”
The multitude was walking and Jesus was riding on the donkey and they arrived at the temple in Jerusalem and Jesus looked around in the temple, and since it was already late he went back to the village of Bethany.
Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
<< Mark 10:46-52 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 11:12-14 in Mexican Sign Language >>
Mark 11:1-11 in Russian Sign Language
Following is the translation of Mark 11:1-11 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:
Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество
Jesus and His twelve disciples were approaching the city of Jerusalem. In front of Jerusalem there is a mountain called the Mount of Olives. There are two villages near the mountain, Bethphage and Bethany. Jesus called the two disciples to him and said to them:
— Go to that village over there. There is a young donkey there. None of the people have ever ridden it before. The donkey will be tied up. You will untie him and bring him here. If, when you untie him, people will be displeased and will ask, “What is this for? Why are you untying him? What are you doing?”, answer them, “Our master needs this donkey,” and then people will allow it.
The two disciples went to the village, and there they saw a donkey tied at the gate. The disciples began to untie it. People saw it, started to come up and asked, “Why are you doing this? Why do you untie it?” The disciples answered as Jesus told them to. Then the people allowed it. The disciples brought the young donkey to Jesus. The disciples took off their cloaks and put them on the back of the donkey. Jesus sat on top and rode on top of the donkey. Many people gathered around. Many took off their cloaks and laid them on the road in front of Jesus. Others cut palm branches and laid them on the road. Jesus was riding on a donkey, and the people crowded around him, shouting:
— Jesus! Glory to you! May God bless you! You have come by the will of the Lord God! God bless you! You will reign! You are a descendant of King David. You will also reign! God’s glory is in heaven!
And Jesus continued to ride on the young donkey. Then Jesus entered Jerusalem. He went into the temple and looked around. It was late in the evening. Jesus and the 12 disciples traveled back to the village of Bethany.
Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):
Иисус с двенадцатью учениками подходили к городу Иерусалим. Перед Иерусалимом есть гора, называемая «Масличная». Возле горы есть две деревни — Вифагия и Вифания. Иисус подозвал к себе двух учеников и сказал им:
— Идите вон в ту деревню. Там есть молодой ослик. Никто из людей еще не ездил на нем верхом. Ослик будет привязан. Вы отвяжите его и приведите его сюда. Если, когда вы будете его отвязывать, люди будут недовольны и будут спрашивать: «Зачем это? Зачем вы его отвязываете? Что вы делаете?», ответьте им: «Нашему хозяину нужен этот осел», и тогда люди разрешат.
Два ученика отправились в деревню, там они увидели осла, привязанного у ворот. Ученики стали отвязывать его. Люди увидели это, стали подходить, стали спрашивать: «Зачем вы это делаете? Зачем отвязываете?» Ученики отвечали так, как велел им Иисус. Тогда люди разрешили. Ученики привели молодого осла к Иисусу. Ученики сняли с себя плащи и положили на спину осла. Иисус сел сверху и поехал верхом на осле. Множество людей собралось вокруг. Многие снимали свои одежды и стлали их по дороге, перед Иисусом. Другие срезали пальмовые ветви и клали их на дорогу. Иисус ехал верхом на осле, а вокруг толпились люди, и они кричали:
— Иисус! Слава тебе! Пусть Бог благословит тебя! Ты пришел по воле Господа Бога! бог благословляет тебя! Ты будешь царствовать! Ты потомок царя Давида. Ты также будешь царствовать! На небесах Божья слава!
А Иисус продолжал ехать верхом на молодом осле. И вот Иисус вступил в Иерусалим. Он вошел в храм, все там обошел и осмотрел. Был уже поздний вечер. Иисус и 12 учеников отправились обратно в деревню Вифания.
Back-translation by Luka Manevich
<< Mark 10:46-52 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 11:12-14 in Russian Sign Language >>
complete verse (Mark 11:8)
Following are a number of back-translations of Mark 11:8:
- Uma: “They went towards Yerusalem. Many people followed them, some ahead some behind. Many spread their clothes on the roadway that Yesus was passing by on, and some also went and got tree leaves / leafy branches in the gardens and laid spread them on the roadway to honor him. Those many people, they continually cheered saying: ‘Praise the Lord God! The Lord bless the King who comes carrying him name!” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
- Yakan: “There were also many people there. The people spread their clothes on the road he was passing. Some of them scattered leafy branches on the road that they had broken off in the groves, in order to honor Isa.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
- Western Bukidnon Manobo: “And then the many people because of their respect for Jesus, they spread their cloaks on the way which Jesus is passing. And others spread out there also leafy fronds which they had broken off in the groves of trees.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
- Kankanaey: “Many people who were there, they spread-out their outer garments on the road. The others, they spread the road with tree branches that they whacked-off at its edge in-order-to thus-honor Jesus.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
- Tagbanwa: “Many were the people who spread out their cloaks there on the trail. As for others, they cut down branches of a plant like bagangan (small palm), that being what they put there on the trail, which was a sign of their honoring and welcoming Jesus.” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)
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