Mark 11:1 - 11 in Mexican Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 11:1-11 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:

© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)

Jesús y los discípulos estaban caminando y vieron enfrente de ellos el Monte de los Olivos.

Allá cerca estaba el pueblo de Betania y más allá Betfagé, cerca de Jerusalén.

Jesús dijo a dos discípulos: Uds dos vayanse al pueblo de Betfagé y verán que hay un burro chico que todavía no ha sido montado por nadie.

El burro está atado, quiten la cuerda y si alguien les dice: “¿porqué toman el burro?” uds dos digan: “espera un poco, Jesús necesita el burro, nosotros dos lo tomamos y después vendremos otra vez aquí y dejaremos el burro.”

Jesús (dijo): “¿entienden?” Y los discipulos lo afirmaron y se fueron a Betfagé y yendo por el camino vieron una casa y a la puerta había un burro atado.

Los dos lo desataron y alguien los vio y dijo: ¿Porqué toman el burro? Los dos discípulos se dieron cuenta de que era exactamente lo que Jesús había dicho antes y dijeron: “Mira” y lo explicaron, y las personas (dijeron): “Sí, tienen permiso, vayanse.”

Los dos discípulos tomaron el burro y lo llevaron, y pusieron sus mantos en la espalda del burro.

Jesús montó el burro y fueron y una multitud de personas vino y caminaba con ellos y punían sus mantos en la calle, y cortaban ramas de los árboles y las ponían en el camino.

Jesús estaba andando el burro y muchas personas caminaban enfrente de él y atrás de él caminaba mucha gente y estaban alegres y gritaban: “alabado sea Dios que ya ha entregado la autoridad a Jesús, Dios bendiga su familia, la descendencia del Rey David de mucho antes, este es el rey bendito, ¡huy! Dios, salvanos ahorita.”

La multitud estaba caminando y Jesús estaba andando en el burro y llegaron al templo de Jerusalén y Jesús miró al templo, y como ya era tarde Jesús regresó al pueblo de Betania.

Jesus and the disciples were walking and they saw in front of them the Mount of Olives.

Over there close by was the village of Bethany and further on Bethphage, near Jerusalem.

Jesus said to two disciples: “You two go off to the village of Bethphage and you will say that there is a little donkey there that nobody has ridden yet.

“The donkey is tied up, take off the rope and if anyone says to you: ‘Why are you taking the donkey?’ tell them: ‘Wait a little, Jesus needs the donkey, we will take it and afterwards we will come here again and leave the donkey.'”

Jesus (said): “understood?” And the disciples affirmed and went to Bethphage, and going on their way they saw a house and at the door there was a donkey tied up.

The two of them untied it and someone saw them and said: “Why are you taking the donkey?” The disciples realized that it was exactly what Jesus had just said and they said: “Look” and they explained it and the people (said): “Yes, you have permission, off you go.”

The two disciples took the donkey and led it away and they put their mantles on the back of the donkey.

Jesus got on the donkey and they went and a multitude of people came and walked with them and they put their mantles on the road and cut branches of the trees and put them on the road.

Jesus was riding on the donkey and many people walked in front of him and behind him came many people and they were happy and shouted: “Praise be to God who has given the authority to Jesus, God bless his family, the descendants of King David of long ago, this is the blessed king, wow. God, save us now.”

The multitude was walking and Jesus was riding on the donkey and they arrived at the temple in Jerusalem and Jesus looked around in the temple, and since it was already late he went back to the village of Bethany.

Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

<< Mark 10:46-52 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 11:12-14 in Mexican Sign Language >>

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