Following is the translation of Mark 1:29-34 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:
© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)
Cuando terminaron en el templo, Simón y Andrés fueron a su casa acompañados por Jesús, Jacobo y Juan.
La gente dijo a Jesús que la suegra de Simón estaba inferma con fievre, acostada en la cama.
Jesús caminó hacia ella y vio la mujer acostada, la tomó de las manos y la mujer acostada se levantó y estaba sana, aliviada, y empezó atenderlos y tratarlos.
Después en la noche todas las personas del pueblo con diferentes enfermedades y personas que tenían adentro demonios fueron llevados a la casa por la gente.
Jesús salió y vio las personas enfermas y puso las manos sobre uno y sanó, se alivió, puso las manos sobre otro y sanó, y siguió poniendo las manos sobre ellos.
Jesús vio las personas que tenían demonios (y pensó): Me conocen, mejor antes expulsar a todos. Y los demonios se asustaban y salían de las personas y se iban.
When they were done in the religious building Simon and Andrew went to their house accompanied by Jesus, James and John.
The people told Jesus that the mother-in-law of Simon was ill, she was lying in bed with a fever.
Jesus walked over and saw the woman lying down, he took her by the hand and the woman lying down got up and was well, healthy, and she started attending to them and caring for them.
Afterwards, at night all the people in the village with different illnesses and people that had demons inside them were all taken over to the house by people.
Jesus came out and looked around at the ill people and he layed his hands on one and he got healed, he lay his hands on another and he got healed, and he kept laying his hands on people.
Jesus saw the people that had demons inside (and he thought): They know me, better throw them out beforehand. And the demons took fright and went out of the people and left.
Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios
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Mark 1:35-39 in Mexican Sign Language >>
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