complete verse (1 Thessalonians 4:16)

Following are a number of back-translations of 1 Thessalonians 4:16:

  • Uma: “Because when the Lord descends from heaven, we (incl.) will hear the call of the warchief angel with the sound of the trumpet of God. And at that tanda all the dead who believe in Kristus will live again.” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
  • Yakan: “Because there will be first someone calling loudly from heaven and the voice of the leader of angels will be heard shouting. And then there will be a sound like the sound of a tabuli’ (big sea shell) from God. So-then the Leader will come down from heaven. After that the dead that trusted in Almasi will be made alive first.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
  • Western Bukidnon Manobo: “For the Lord will come down from heaven calling us (incl.), and we will hear the call of the high angel of God, and the trumpet which God will cause to be sounded. The believers in Christ who have already died will be raised first.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
  • Kankanaey: “Here is what the Lord Jesus made-known to us (excl.) concerning that return of his. He will come-down from heaven shouting a command while simultaneously the highest angel will speak and the blast of God’s horn (made of carabao horn) will be heard. But we who are still alive on that day, we will not precede the believers who died to go meet the Lord Jesus, but rather they will come-alive again first,” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
  • Tagbanwa: “Because on that day, the Lord will descend coming from heaven/sky, at the same time will be heard the voicing/shouting which gives command. The voicing/shouting will be heard of the chief-leader of the angels and the sound of the horn of God. Yes indeed, the Lord Jesu-Cristo, he himself will descend, and on his descending, the first he will order will be the dead who are united/tied-together with him, for their body will then be made alive.” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)
  • Tenango Otomi: “Because the Lord himself will come from heaven, and will strongly speak that which he will speak. Also the angel which leads among the angels of God will speak a word. And there will sound the trumpet of God. Then those who had already died and believe in Christ, first will have their bodies resurrected.” (Source: Tenango Otomi Back Translation)
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