complete verse (Psalm 106:27)

Following are a number of back-translations as well as a sample translation for translators of Psalm 106:27:

  • Chichewa Contempary Chichewa translation, 2002/2016:
    “causing that their grandchildren die among the people of other races
    and scatter them in the whole land.” (Source: Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero Back Translation)
  • Newari:
    “He said he would scatter their descendants
    hither and thither among the nations,
    and scatter them from land to land.” (Source: Newari Back Translation)
  • Hiligaynon:
    “and he would-scatter their descendants to other nations where they would-die.” (Source: Hiligaynon Back Translation)
  • Laarim:
    “and he would scatter their children in foreign lands,
    and he make them to die there in foreign lands.” (Source: Laarim Back Translation)
  • Nyakyusa-Ngonde (back-translation into Swahili):
    “atatawanya uzao wao katika nchi zingine,
    na kuwatapanya duniani poote.” (Source: Nyakyusa Back Translation)
  • English:
    “and that he would scatter their descendants among the people of other nations/ people-groups who did not believe in him, and that he would allow them to die in those lands.” (Source: Translation for Translators)
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