The Hebrew and Greek that is transliterated as “Rehoboam” in English is translated in Spanish Sign Language with the signs for “king” + “divide” + “south.” (Source: Steve Parkhurst)
Shechem was about 65 kilometers (40 miles) north of Jerusalem. It was located in the territory settled by the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh and was the first religious center of the twelve tribes in Canaan. It became the first capital of the northern kingdom (1 Kgs 12.25), whose first king, Jeroboam, was from the tribe of Ephraim (1 Kgs 11.26).
The words all Israel occur frequently in the historical texts but refer here to the northern tribes only as distinct from the tribe of Judah. Good News Translation makes this information explicit in the text itself by translating Israel as “northern Israel.” Compare also “the northern tribes of Israel” (Bible en français courant, Parole de Vie, Die Bibel im heutigen Deutsch).
Quoted with permission from Omanson, Roger L. and Ellington, John E. A Handbook on 1-2 Kings, Volume 1. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 2008. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .
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