complete verse (Genesis 41:21)

Following are a number of back-translations as well as a sample translation for translators of Genesis 41:21:

  • Kankanaey: “but there was no means-of-distinguishing that they had eaten-(them), because so-it-was just the same that they were extremely-skinny. Then I woke-up.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
  • Newari: “Even though they had eaten like this, no one could tell that they had eaten. For they were just as thin as they had been before. Just at that time I woke up.” (Source: Newari Back Translation)
  • Hiligaynon: “But after they ate, it just seemed that it would not be-known that they had eaten for they were still thin same-as-always. Then I woke up.” (Source: Hiligaynon Back Translation)
  • English: “But afterwards, no one would have known that the thin cows ate them, because they were just as ugly as they were before. Then I woke up.” (Source: Translation for Translators)

Translation commentary on Genesis 41:21

The picture of the thin cows given here is not in the first telling in Gen 41.4.

That they had eaten them: that is, “that the thin cows had eaten the fat ones.”

No one would have known that …: that is, “you could see no difference” or “by looking you could not tell that….”

Quoted with permission from Reyburn, William D. and Fry, Euan McG. A Handbook on Genesis. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1997. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .