Mark 2:13-17 in Mexican Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 2:13-17 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:

© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)

Jesús estaba caminando y enseñando y la gente iba con él, y allá había personas que estaban sentadas cobrando impuestos, y había un hombre llemado Levi que estaba sentado cobrando impuestos, y Jesús caminando lo vio (y dijo): “Ven conmigo”.

Levi se paró y se acercó al grupo y fue con el grupo y algunas otras personas, pecadores, seguían la idea y también fueron con el grupo.

Fueron a la casa de Levi y Jesús y los discípulos y las personas alrededor estaban comiendo y bebiendo.

Los maestros de la ley y los Fariseos vinieron y lo vieron, y lo consideraron raro y dijeron a los discípulos: “Jesús acepto estar con los cobradores de impuesto y otros pecadores y está comiendo y bebiendo en medio de ellos, ¿cómo?”

Jesús estaba comiendo y los oyó y se volvió y dijo: “Miren, un ejemplo, personas que están bien y sanos no necesitan ir al doctor, sino otras personas enfermas necesitan ir al doctor.

En la misma manera, yo no he venido para advertir a las personas buenas y perfectas que necesitan ser salvados, sino todas estas pecadores necesitan ser salvados.”

Jesus went again to the area close to the lake.

Jesus was walking and teaching and the people went along with him, and there were people sitting there who where collecting taxes and there was a man named Levi who was sitting (at his booth) collecting taxes, and Jesus walked along and saw him (and said): “Come with me”.

Levi stood up and joined the group and went with them and some other people, sinners, followed suit and also went with the group.

They went to the house of Levi and Jesus and his disciples and the people around were eating and drinking.

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees came and saw it and they thought it was strange and they said to the disciples: “Jesus accepts being with tax collectors and other sinners, and he is eating among them, how?”

As Jesus was eating he heard this and he turned around and said: “Look here, an example, people who are well and healthy do not need to go to a doctor, but other people who are ill need to go to a doctor.

“In the same way I have not come to warn people who are good and perfect that they need to be saved, on the contrary, all these people who are sinners need to be saved.”

Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

<< Mark 2:1-12 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 2:18-22 in Mexican Sign Language >>

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