Translation commentary on Luke 16:23


kai en tō hadē ‘and in Hades,’ going with all verbs of v. 23.

eparas tous opthalmous autou ‘raising his eyes,’ preparing the way for hora, etc. Cf. also on 6.20.

huparchōn en basanois ‘being in torment,’ parenthetical insertion, describing his situation in Hades. huparchōn is equivalent to ōn.

basanos (also v. 28) ‘torment,’ ‘torture.’

hora Abraam apo makrothen ‘he saw Abraham far away,’ yet within hearing distance.

kai Lazaron en tois kolpois autou ‘and Lazarus at his bosom,’ dependent upon hora.


Being in torment, or, ‘while/where he was in torment, or, underwent suffering, or, suffered great pain.’ For ‘to torment’ cf. 8.28.

Far off here sometimes best taken with ‘Abraham,’ e.g. ‘saw Abr. who was far away (from him).’

Quoted with permission from Reiling, J. and Swellengrebel, J.L. A Handbook on the Gospel of Luke. (UBS Handbook Series). New York: UBS, 1971. For this and other handbooks for translators see here . Make sure to also consult the Handbook on the Gospel of Mark for parallel or similar verses.

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