Absalom (image)

Hand colored stencil print on momigami by Sadao Watanabe (1972).

Image taken with permission from the SadaoHanga Catalogue where you can find many more images and information about Sadao Watanabe.

For other images of Sadao Watanabe art works in TIPs, see here.

See also Absalom.

Translation commentary on 2 Samuel 17:7

Then: the common conjunction here simply indicates the continuation of the story as Hushai responds. It may be better left untranslated in some languages.

Said: in this context the verb here may be more naturally rendered “answered” (Good News Translation) in many languages.

This time: by using these words Hushai acknowledges what everybody knew already, namely that Ahithophel almost always gave good advice. It is a way of making a contrast between what usually happened and Hushai’s evaluation of what Ahithophel had said in this case. The placement of this element at the beginning of the sentence (Revised Standard Version and Contemporary English Version) seems to emphasize it as an exception to the rule. Many versions place it at the end of the sentence (New International Version, New Century Version), reflecting the word order of the Hebrew. Translators should consider which way is more likely to focus attention on the unusual in their own languages. Certain other versions also place this element at the beginning but translate using other words: “for once…” (Revised English Bible) and “on this occasion…” (New Jerusalem Bible)

Quoted with permission from Omanson, Roger L. and Ellington, John E. A Handbook on the First and Second Books of Samuel, Volume 2. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 2001. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .