Translation commentary on Mark 14:28


meta to egerthēnai me ‘after I am risen (from the dead)’: for the preposition meta ‘after’ with the infinitive, cf. 1.14.

egeirō (cf. 1.31) ‘raise,’ ‘rise’: if possible, the passive form of the verb should be carried over into translation, ‘I am raised’ (not ‘I rise’), as in the other places where the passive refers to rising from the dead (cf. 6.14, 16 of John the Baptist; 12.26 of the dead in general; 16.6 of Jesus).

proaxō (cf. 6.45) ‘I will go before,’ ‘I will precede’: so most commentators and translations who (comparing with 16.7) refer the saying to a Resurrection appearance of Jesus to his disciples. It has been suggested, however, that the meaning here is ‘I will lead you into Galilee,’ ‘I will go at your head to Galilee.’


Am raised up is equivalent to ‘caused to live again’ or ‘caused to come back to life.’ As noted above, the passive should be retained, if at all possible. Where the agent must be explicitly noted, one may translate, ‘God has raised me up’ or ‘caused me to live again.’

Before you is probably better taken in the temporal sense, e.g. ‘ahead of you’ or ‘before you do.’

Quoted with permission from Bratcher, Robert G. and Nida, Eugene A. A Handbook on the Gospel of Mark. (UBS Handbook Series). New York: UBS, 1961. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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