Translation commentary on Genesis 40:2

And Pharaoh was angry with his two officers: the title Pharaoh was first used in 12.15; he was called “king of Egypt” in verse 1 and will be called by this expression again in 41.46. To avoid confusion translators should use one title, as Good News Translation does with “king of Egypt” and “the king.” The two men named in verse 1 are now called officers, Good News Translation “officials,” which shows that they belong to the officials of the king’s court. The literal term is “eunuch,” which is discussed in 37.36.

The chief butler: in verse 1 this official was called by his title the butler, which refers to a person whose job it was to prepare drinks and serve them to the king. If translators follow Revised Standard Version, then the term is used twice in verses 1 and 2. There are two other possibilities:
(1) Follow Good News Translation and use something like “wine servant” in verse 1 and “these two officials” in verse 2, or
(2) say “two of the king’s officials” in verse 1 and use the actual titles in Gen 40.2.

All three possibilities are acceptable models.

Chief butler and chief baker are literally “chief of the butlers” and “chief of the bakers,” which indicates that there were others doing the same work who were not of their rank. In translation we may need to say for chief butler, for example, “the head [or, chief; or, leader man] of the drink or wine servants” or “the head man among those who served the king his drinks.” The same may be used for the chief baker: “the chief [leader] of those who baked the king’s bread.” Local terms for people who do these jobs may also be appropriate; two examples are “the man who looked after the king’s wine and the boss of his bakehouse” and “the king’s head barman and his head baker.”

Quoted with permission from Reyburn, William D. and Fry, Euan McG. A Handbook on Genesis. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1997. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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