Keep far from a man who has the power to kill: A man who has the power to kill probably refers to powerful people (8.1) or especially to rulers (Pro 16.14), not to criminals. The Greek word translated power is better rendered “authority.” Contemporary English Version says “those who are able to kill you,” but Good News Translation is better with “someone who has the power to put you to death.”
And you will not be worried by the fear of death: Good News Translation is better with “you will not have to fear for your life,” but better still is “you will not have to live in the fear of death [or, in fear for your life]” (similarly Contemporary English Version). Notice New Revised Standard Version “and you will not be haunted by the fear of death.”
But if you approach him, make no misstep, lest he rob you of your life: For But if you approach him, Good News Translation is helpful with “but if you must go near him.” Going near, or approaching, the ruler probably means doing or having business with him. “If you cannot avoid dealing with him” is another possible rendering. Make no misstep is a figure of speech, meaning “be very careful” (Good News Translation). The Greek verb here is actually a musical term indicating hitting a sour note. “Or he may kill you” (Good News Translation) is certainly what lest he rob you of your life means, but something like “or he may take your life” may fit just a little better.
Know that you are walking in the midst of snares: When you must deal in person with someone who can arbitrarily sentence you to immediate death, danger awaits you at every step. Good News Translation says “Be conscious that you are walking among hidden traps.” Contemporary English Version speaks of walking “through a field full of traps.” The modern equivalent is walking through a minefield. The Greek word for snares is the same one used in verse 3.
And that you are going about on the city battlements: This means that, figuratively, you are walking in full view of the enemy on the top of the city walls. In other words, as Good News Translation puts it, “that you are an easy target,” or we may say “that he can easily kill you.”
An alternative model for this verse is:
• Stay away from a person who has the power to kill you, and you will not have to live in the fear of being killed. But if you cannot avoid dealing with him, be very careful; he may kill you. Be aware that you are walking among hidden traps and that he can easily kill you.
Quoted with permission from Bullard, Roger A. and Hatton, Howard A. A Handbook on Sirach. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 2008. For this and other handbooks for translators see here.
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