But now I have asked you only about fire and wind and the day: See 2Esdras 4.5.
Things through which you have passed describes fire, wind and the day as things that Ezra experienced. Contemporary English Version says “things you already know about.” Another possible model is “These are things you have experienced.”
And without which you cannot exist: As the Revised Standard Version footnote indicates, there is a textual problem here in the Latin. We recommend following Revised Standard Version, but without a footnote. This clause may be rendered “If you do not have them, you cannot stay alive” or more simply “things important to your life [or, staying alive].”
And you have given me no answer about them!: Contemporary English Version says “But you couldn’t answer my questions about those things either.”
Here is a possible model for this verse:
• But all I have asked you about [or, all the questions I have asked you about] are fire, wind, and the day. These are things you have experienced, things important to your life, and yet you can’t answer my questions about them.”
Quoted with permission from Bullard, Roger A. and Hatton, Howard A. A Handbook on 1-2 Esdras. (UBS Helps for Translators). Miami: UBS, 2019. For this and other handbooks for translators see here.
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