See suggestion at beginning of verse 29.
For by these he judges peoples: as it stands in the traditional order, these seems to refer back to roots of the sea in verse 30b, and this is obviously not correct. Therefore, if the translator is keeping the numerical verse order, some adjustment should be made; for example, “It is by sending rain that….” Judges, as in Revised Standard Version, translates the usual meaning of the Hebrew word, but this gives a poor parallel with the second line. Therefore many translators change this word to one meaning “he feeds or nourishes,” as the Good News Translation footnote shows.
He gives food in abundance is parallel to the first line in its adjusted form. Verse 31 may be rendered, for example, “It is by means of the rains that he nourishes people and gives them plenty to eat.”
Quoted with permission from Reyburn, Wiliam. A Handbook on Job. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1992. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .