Translation commentary on Genesis 2:22

And the rib … he made into a woman: made is literally “built,” which is another term again meaning “create, make, form.”

Because verse 21 has already said that the LORD took one of his ribs, Good News Translation does not repeat all these words. Translators may wish to follow Good News Translation. However, in some languages a demonstrative pronoun or other linking device may be necessary; for example, “this rib.”

For woman see the discussion in verse 23.

And brought her to the man: brought is the same action as God did with the animals in verse 19.

Quoted with permission from Reyburn, William D. and Fry, Euan McG. A Handbook on Genesis. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1997. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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