Translation commentary on Genesis 12:6

Abram passed through the land means Abram traveled through the country (from north to south). Since it was not only Abram who went, some translations make this clear by saying “Abram and the people with him….”

To the place at Shechem: the place in this context refers to a sacred or “holy place” (Good News Translation). The word has this sense also in 28.16; Deut 12.26; Jer 7.12. New English Bible calls it “sanctuary.” Linking this phrase with the next, we may say “a sacred oak tree” or “an oak tree dedicated to God [or, to the gods].” Shechem was a city located about 65 kilometers (40 miles) north of Jerusalem, between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim.

To the oak of Moreh: Revised Standard Version makes Shechem and the oak of Moreh appear as two separate locations, which may be true, since the sacred site was in or near the town of Shechem. Others identify Shechem as the location of the sacred oak; for instance “… until he came to Shechem, where the sacred oak of Moreh is” (Biblia Dios Habla Hoy). Oak follows the Septuagint. The Hebrew word is often translated “terebinth” or “terebinth tree” (New English Bible, Revised English Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, Revised Standard Version footnote). The terebinth tree is similar to the oak. For details see Fauna and Flora of the Bible, pages 182-183|fig:ffb_Terebinth.htm.

Moreh, according to tradition, is a personal name and so is capitalized in English. However, the original sense is “oracle-giver.” An oracle may refer to the person or place through which the god or spirit reveals hidden knowledge. This is often done by asking the medium a question. Septuagint has “lofty oak,” and New International Version translates “great tree of Moreh.” The idea is that a large tree was known before Abram’s arrival as a place where diviners or soothsayers sat and gave prophecies or oracles. It is probably the same as in 35.4; Deut 11.30; Judges 9.37.

If the oak is unknown, a similar large tree may be substituted in translation. However, we should note that it is not the large size of the tree, but rather its association with the sacred site, that is in focus here. In some areas certain trees are known as “spirit trees” or sacred trees, and the name of such a tree may be appropriate in this context. Some translations do not use the name of any particular tree but have a general expression such as “sacred tree.”

The whole sentence, which runs in Revised Standard Version from the end of verse 5 up to this point, may be translated “When they reached Canaan, they traveled through it until they came to the oak tree of Moreh, which was dedicated to the gods. It stood near the town of Shechem.” If the name Moreh is not used, we may say “… came to the oak tree where people got advice from the gods….” Two examples of how the various elements are rendered in Pacific translations are “they traveled in this country and arrived at the place of worship of Shechem. At this town there was a sacred [taboo] tree at the place called Moreh”; and “they came to the big tree called Moreh. That tree stood there in the sacred place at the town called Shechem.”

At that time the Canaanites were in the land: this is information that was hardly necessary for people living in Abram’s time. So we may assume that these words were written long after the time of these events and are addressed to a later audience. The name Canaanites appears first in 10.18. The reference is to the people who occupied the country before it was promised to Abram in Gen 12.7. At that time may need to be reworded to say, for example, “When Abram reached Shechem”; or the full statement may be translated “When these things happened, the Canaanite people were still living there” or “… the people of Canaan were still living in this country.” Good News Translation encloses this statement between parentheses to show it is an added comment. Other translations use commas or dashes, and there are some that use no special punctuation.

Quoted with permission from Reyburn, William D. and Fry, Euan McG. A Handbook on Genesis. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1997. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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