And he has inspired him to teach is literally “And to teach he has placed in his heart.” This means that Yahweh “has bestowed the gift of teaching” (New Jerusalem Bible) on Bezalel. This may be interpreted as “the ability to teach others” (New International Version), “to give directions” (New Jewish Publication Society’s Tanakh), or “to teach their crafts to others” (Good News Translation). This “ability” (Good News Translation) was also given to Oholiab. Contemporary English Version has a helpful model: “The LORD is urging him and Oholiab … to teach others.” Some translations (King James Version, New English Bible, Revised English Bible), spell the name “Aholiab,” another way of pronouncing the Hebrew. He and his father, Ahisamach, were of the tribe of Dan, literally “to the tribe of Dan.” This means they belonged to the tribe of Dan.
Quoted with permission from Osborn, Noel D. and Hatton, Howard A. A Handbook on Exodus. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1999. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .