His sister was obviously an older sister, the oldest of three children. (See Exo 15.20; Num 26.59.) She was probably Miriam, for Aaron was only three years older than Moses (7.7). Her age can only be determined on the basis of this verse and verses 7-8, but the difference in ages will determine the choice of kinship terms required in many languages.
She stood at a distance in order to watch; hence she “took her stand” (New English Bible) or “stationed herself” (New American Bible). At a distance was not “afar off,” as some translations have it, but “some distance away.” That means it was close enough to know or “to see what would happen to him,” but it was also far enough so that she would not be seen.
Quoted with permission from Osborn, Noel D. and Hatton, Howard A. A Handbook on Exodus. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1999. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .