We proclaim…: (Theme) This verse is the main point of the paragraph 1–4. John repeats what he is telling his readers in order to emphasize his purpose in telling it to them, namely that he and they may be united in fellowship. In order to make this emphasis clear in translation it may be necessary to say
The reason why we are telling you (plur) about this person who we have seen and heard is that we want you to be united with us in trusting him.
what we have seen: (Pronoun Reference) John is still referring to Jesus as the “Word of life” (see the note on 1:1). That is why the form what is used here in English, rather than “who.” In your translation you should make it clear that this whole passage is about Jesus.
so that: (Logical Relationship) John is saying that he is telling his readers about Jesus so that they may believe the same things about Jesus as he does and thus they may have fellowship with him and the apostles. These steps in the argument may need to be made clear in translation. See the Display.
also: (Emphasis) The word translated also occurs twice in the Greek, “we proclaim to you also” and “so that you also may have fellowship with us.” John is emphasizing that both the gospel and fellowship are not only for the apostles but for his readers also.
may have fellowship with us: (Meaning) John means that his readers should continue to have fellowship with him. He is not implying that they need to become Christians so that they will have fellowship. Throughout this letter he repeatedly states that he is confident that they already believe in Jesus.
fellowship: (Special Biblical Term) This term means being united, sharing in something on the basis of mutual agreement, especially in God’s blessings. That is why John uses it here to refer both to our fellowship with one another and to our fellowship with God.
this fellowship of ours: (Alternative Interpretations) There are two interpretations of ours here:
(1) It is probably exclusive, meaning “(fellowship) of us apostles.”
(2) Some think it is inclusive, meaning “(fellowship) of you together with us apostles.”
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All Scripture quotations in this publication, unless otherwise indicated, are from The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible. BSB is produced in cooperation with Bible Hub, Discovery Bible, OpenBible.com, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee.