Translation commentary on Sirach 51:6

The slander of an unrighteous tongue to the king: As noted above, Good News Translation combines this line with the previous line, saying “from vicious slander reported to the king.” New Jerusalem Bible also combines them as “treacherous denunciations to the king.” At this point ben Sira abandons the stylized language of the Psalms with their figures of speech. This line sounds very much like a personal experience. It would not be too much to say (combining both lines) “from vicious lies about me reported to the king” or “from vicious lies about me that people reported to the king.”

Those using Ziegler’s Greek text should be aware that he has emended the text in this line. He reads “and from the spear of an unrighteous tongue.” Nothing is said about slander or a king. There is indeed some textual difficulty here, but we recommend following the usual text in Rahlfs, as does Revised Standard Version and Good News Translation.

My soul drew near to death, and my life was very near to Hades beneath: Since Hades refers to death, these two lines are synonymous. Good News Translation‘s translation is effective: “I was once brought face-to-face with death.” (In English we could also say “I had one foot in the grave.”) Translators should find an expression that vividly describes the experience of coming near to death. The addition of “once” in Good News Translation brings out the impression of a real life experience on the author’s part.

Quoted with permission from Bullard, Roger A. and Hatton, Howard A. A Handbook on Sirach. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 2008. For this and other handbooks for translators see here.

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