Translation commentary on Proverbs 30:16

“Sheol”: See the comments on 1.12 for the meaning of this term. See also 27.20 for the thought that “Sheol” is never satisfied.

“The barren womb”: This is a figure of speech in which a part of the body stands for the whole person. The real meaning is “a barren woman” (Revised English Bible) or “a woman without children” (Good News Translation).

“The earth ever thirsty for water”: “The earth” refers here to “the land,” “the ground,” or “the soil,” which constantly requires “water” to make plants and crops grow.

“And the fire which never says, “Enough””: Revised Standard Version labels this line as obscure in Hebrew, which may be because the final word does not seem to have its usual sense of “wealth” or “sufficiency.” However, most versions render the line in the same way as Revised Standard Version. “The fire” may refer to a fire out of control, that is, a house fire or a forest fire that keeps on burning and does not stop. But it more likely refers to a fire for heating or cooking, “for which the labor of bringing fuel seems endless” (Scott).

Quoted with permission from Reyburn, William D. and Fry, Euan McG. A Handbook on Proverbs. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 2000. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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