Translation commentary on Judges 6:23

But the LORD said to him: But is a good rendering of the Hebrew waw conjunction here, since it marks the contrast between the fear Gideon feels and the words of comfort the LORD is about to give. Translators should find an appropriate conjunction and verb of speaking for this context. For example, we might say “But the LORD reassured him, saying.”

Peace be to you is literally “Peace to you.” Yahweh assures Gideon all is well. Although these words are a standard form of greeting, here they take on added significance in view of the threat to his life that Gideon feels. We may say “You are safe” or even “Be calm” (New American Bible). The Hebrew word shalom rendered Peace refers to Gideon’s whole well-being here (see comments on verse 4.17). In some languages the word “Peace” alone will be sufficient (so Good News Translation). Contemporary English Version says “Calm down!” However, this rendering is another case of colloquial language that could even be interpreted as a reproach. Translators need to find an expression of total reassurance.

Do not fear is one of the most common commands in the Bible. It is often what the LORD says to those whom he calls to service (see, for example, Jer 42.11). It is generally followed by a promise of his presence and his help. In this case Yahweh promises Gideon that he will not die. There may be a play on words here, since the root for the Hebrew verb (raʾah) rendered “perceived” (verse 6.22) is very similar to the root for the verb translated fear (yareʾ). In some languages it may be more natural to put do not fear before Peace be to you, for example, “Don’t be afraid, you are safe.”

You shall not die: The LORD reassures Gideon that even though he has seen him face to face he will not suffer the penalty, which is normally death. Shall is a future marker but it sounds slightly archaic here. In colloquial English we would say “you aren’t going to die.”

Translation models for this verse are:

• But Yahweh said to Gideon, “Be at peace. Don’t worry. You will not die.”

• But the LORD said to him, “Don’t be afraid. You are safe. You won’t die.”

Quoted with permission from Zogbo, Lynell and Ogden, Graham S. A Handbook on Judges. (UBS Helps for Translators). Miami: UBS, 2019. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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