Translation commentary on Esther 4:17   

This verse is the conclusion to an episode in the story and is so marked by the adverb then (Hebrew waw) in both Revised Standard Version and Good News Translation. Esther’s position has now changed in relation to her cousin. In 2.20 it was she who obeyed him; now it is he who follows her instructions.

Mordecai then went away is literally “Mordecai crossed over” (FOX). Perhaps he crossed the city square or the canal from the Chaour River, which separated the acropolis on the west side from the city of Susa on the east side. Most versions say simply that Mordecai “went away.” New Jerusalem Bible reads “So Mordecai went about [the city] and did just as Esther had commanded him.” The same Hebrew verb occurs in Josh 2.23, where the two spies “crossed over” and came to Joshua. Though no object is given in Josh 2.23, the clear meaning is that the spies crossed the River Jordan. FOX translates these words in Esther “And Mordecai crossed over.” Since a canal separated the acropolis from the city of Susa, most likely the author assumes that the reader will understand that Mordecai “crossed over” this canal as he went from the acropolis to the city. Just as translations make explicit the object of this verb in Josh 2.23, they may do so here also by saying “So Mordecai crossed over the canal.” Translators may wish to explain the presence of this canal in a footnote.

Quoted with permission from Omanson, Roger L. and Noss, Philip A. A Handbook on Esther (The Hebrew Text). (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1997. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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