Translation commentary on Bel and the Dragon 1:42

If integrated into the book of Daniel: 14.42.

He pulled Daniel out: Contemporary English Version has “The king had Daniel pulled up out of the pit.” This is more likely than the renderings in Revised Standard Version and Good News Translation. The king would have had his servants pull Daniel out. Another way to say this is “the king had his servants pull Daniel up out of the pit.”

Threw into the den the men who had attempted his destruction may also be rendered “had those who had tried to kill Daniel thrown into it [the pit]” (Good News Translation) or even “had his servants throw those men who had tried to kill Daniel into the pit.”

They were devoured immediately before his eyes: The Greek does not make clear who watches the lions devour the men, but we would assume that the king is meant rather than Daniel. Good News Translation makes this specific (also Contemporary English Version with “he [the king] watched the lions gobble them down”).

Quoted with permission from Bullard, Roger A. and Hatton, Howard A. A Handbook on The Shorter Books of the Deuterocanon. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 2006. For this and other handbooks for translators see here.

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