In 10:21 Jesus had been praying to God his Father. Here in 10:22 he began to speak to his disciples as well as the other people who were listening to him. In some languages it may be necessary to make this explicit. For example:
⌊Then Jesus said to the people who were there⌋
In 10:23a Jesus spoke only to the disciples. Here in 10:22a the phrase you use should include the disciples as well as the other people who were there.
All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father: This clause describes the power and authority that Jesus’ Father, God, had given him. It indicates that God had given Jesus the ability to do anything he wanted to do and to know everything he wanted to know. He had also entrusted him with the authority to reveal knowledge to others. You should translate this clause in a way that will indicate the extensive authority and power that God gave Jesus. For example:
All ⌊authority and knowledge⌋ has been given to me by my Father.
This clause is passive. In some languages it may be more natural to make it active. For example:
My Father has given me all ⌊authority and knowledge⌋.
All things: In this context All things probably refers to all knowledge as well as all authority/power. It does not refer primarily to material things, though Jesus had power over those as well.
have been entrusted to Me by My Father: The Greek verb that the Berean Standard Bible translates as entrusted has several meanings. It can mean “to entrust/commit” or “to give” to someone. In this context it indicates that God entrusted to Jesus the same authority, power, and knowledge that he himself has. He also gave Jesus the authority to pass knowledge and power on to others.
In translating these two verse parts, be careful not to use an expression that could imply that Jesus was an illegitimate son.
No one knows who the Son is except the Father: This clause means, “No one fully knows the true identity or nature of the Son except his Father.” In this clause Jesus referred to himself as the Son. He referred to God as the Father. Other ways to translate this clause are:
No one truly knows the Son except the Father (New Living Translation (2004))
⌊God⌋ my Father is the only one who knows what ⌊I,⌋ his Son, am really like
no one knows who the Father is except the Son: This clause is the other half of the statement in 10:22b. It means here, “No one fully knows the true identity or nature of the Father except his Son.” Jesus referred to himself as the Son and to God as the Father. Other ways to translate this clause are:
no one truly knows the Father except the Son (New Living Translation (2004))
⌊I,⌋ the Son, am the only one who knows what my Father is really like
and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him: This clause identifies another group of people who can also truly know the Father. These people are those to whom Jesus the Son decides to make him known. Other ways to translate the clause are:
and also those to whom the Son decides to make Him known
along with those to whom He desires to reveal/show the Father
chooses: The Greek verb that the Berean Standard Bible translates here as chooses means “decides” or “wants.”
reveal: To reveal someone is to show what that person is like. It is to make known their true nature.
General Comment on 10:22b–d
Jesus was referring to himself as the Son. In some languages it may be necessary to use first person pronouns:
No one knows who ⌊I,⌋ the Son, am except the Father. No one knows who the Father is except ⌊me,⌋ the Son, and those to whom ⌊I⌋ choose to reveal him.
General Comment on 10:22c–d
In some languages, the repetition of “Son” and “Father” in these verses may be overly redundant. One way to avoid this repetition is:
I am the only one who knows my Father’s true nature, I and those to whom I decide to make him known.
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All Scripture quotations in this publication, unless otherwise indicated, are from The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible.
BSB is produced in cooperation with Bible Hub, Discovery Bible, OpenBible.com, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee.