say whatever is given to you

The Ghari translation has “say whatever comes into your belly” for the phrase that is translated in some English versions as “say whatever is given to you.”

Mark 13:1 - 13 in Mexican Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 13:1-13 into Mexican Sign Language with back-translations into Spanish and English underneath:

© La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

Retrotraducciones en español (haga clic o pulse aquí)

Jesús y los discípulos estaban caminando y los discípulos dijeron: “Meastro ve el templo, qué tan grande son las piedras, ¡huy, es maravilloso!”

Jesús (dijo): “¡¿Ver qué tan grande es el templo?! Les advierto, en el futuro el templo se caerá y será destruido.”

El grupo siguió caminando y después en el Monte de los olivos Jesús se sentó a ver el templo que estaba enfrente. Cuando Pedro, Jacobo, Juan y Andrés vieron que no había otra gente fueron a él.

Dijeron: “Jesús, lo que explicaste ahorita ¿cuándo vendrá por cierto? ¿Cómo lo descubrimos?”

Jesús (dijo): “Mira, les explico, en el futuro uds oirán que ya ha venido una guerro y personas les advertirán que haya otra guerra, pero uds no se asusten, todavía no se acaba el mundo.

Mira, en el futuro en diferentes lugares del mundo habrá guerras y terremotos fuertes y hambre

y también habrá personas falsas que hablan disimulando: ‘Yo soy Jesúcristo’ y engañaran a la gente, muchas personas lo creerán: ¿de veras, de veras? y caerán en el engaño.

Cuidado, uds se alejen, estas cinco cosas son el comienzo del sufrimiento pero todavía no se acaba el mundo.

Es necesario que primero el evangelio será predicado y anunciado en diferentes idiomas y esparcido por el mundo.

Les advierto, tengan cuidado. En el futuro otras personas los agarrarán y los llevarán al juez y también en las sinagogas las personas los maltratarán y azotarán y cuando terminen los llevarán ante el gobierno o el rey porque uds creen en mi, Jesús. Uds cuentenles su testimonio.

Oigan, cuando las personas los arresten no se preocupen imaginando: ‘¿Qué voy a decir ante el juez?’ No se preocupen, el espíritu santo les ayudará suficiente para que uds puedan contarles.

Les advierto: en el futuro un hermano verá que su hermano cree en Jesús y lo entregará y matarán a su hermano, un papá verá que su hijo cree en Jesús y lo entregará y su hijo será matado, y habrá hijos que verán que sus padres creen en Jesús y estarán en contra y matarán sus padres.

Les advierto personas en todo el mundo les odiarán porque uds creen en mi, Jesús, pero si uds son fieles hasta la muerta serán salvados.”

Marcos escribió: “Uds necesitan leerlo y entenderlo.”

Jesus and the disciples were walking and the disciples said: “Teacher, look at the temple, how big its stones are, wow it’s wonderful!”

Jesus (said): “Look at how big the temple is?! I warn you, in the future the temple will fall down and be destroyed.”

The group continued walking and afterwards on the Mount of olives Jesus sat down opposite the temple to see it. When Peter, James, John and Andrew saw that there were no people around, they went up to him.

They said: “Jesus, what you told us just now, when will that come true? How will we find out?”

Jesus (said): “Look, I’ll explain it to you, in the future you will hear that a war has come and people will warn you that there is another war, but do not be frightened, it is not the end of the world yet.

“Look, in the future there will be wars in different parts of the world and strong earthquakes and hunger band there will also be false people who will talk pretending: ‘I am Jesus Christ’ and they will deceive the people and many people will believe it (they will go) ‘really, really?’ and they will fall for it.

“Be careful, stay away from them, these five things are the beginning of the suffering but it is not the end of the world yet.

“It is necessary that the gospel first be preached and announced in different languages and spread throughout the world.

“I warn you be careful. In the future other people will take hold of you and take you to the judge and also in the synagogues the people will mistreat you and whip you and when they are done they will take you before the government or the king because you believe in me, Jesus. Tell them your testimony.

“Listen, when people arrest you do not worry, imagining: ”What will I say before the judge?’ Don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will help you sufficiently so that you can tell them.

“I warn you, in the future a brother will see that his brother believed in Jesus, and he will hand him over and they will kill his brother, a father will see that his son believes in Jesus and he will hand him over and his son will be killed, and there will be some children who will see that their parents believe in Jesus and they will be against them and kill their parents.

“I warn you that people in the whole world will hate you because you believe in me, Jesus, but if you are faithful until death, you will be saved.”

Mark wrote: “You need to read it and understand it.”

Source: La Biblia en LSM / La Palabra de Dios

<< Mark 12:41-44 in Mexican Sign Language
Mark 13:14-23 in Mexican Sign Language >>

Mark 13:1-13 in Russian Sign Language

Following is the translation of Mark 13:1-13 into Russian Sign Language with a back-translation underneath:

Source: Russian Bible Society / Российское Библейское Общество

Jesus and his disciples left the Temple. One of the disciples looked at the Temple, admired it, and said:

— Teacher, look at this Temple! It’s big, beautiful, the stones are so strong!

Jesus answered:

— Yes, the Temple is large and beautiful, but the time will come when it will be completely destroyed, not a single stone will remain intact.

Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives. The Temple was clearly visible from the Mount of Olives. Only four disciples were with Jesus: Peter, James, John, Andrew. The disciples began to ask Jesus:

— Tell us, what will be the sign that the Temple will soon be destroyed?

Jesus answered them:

— First, many people will say: “God sent me, I am Christ.” Many will teach this. But they are liars. Many people will listen to them and believe them. But you, beware! Do not believe them!

Secondly, rumors will spread that wars are happening in different places, that one kingdom is going to war against another.

Thirdly, earthquakes will occur here and there throughout the earth. Fourthly, there will be famine and various troubles throughout the earth. But do not be afraid when you look at all this, do not think that this is the end of the world. All these events are signs to be prepared. This is only the beginning of great suffering. It is like, for example, a woman, when it is time for her to give birth, she has contractions before labor. Be prepared for different people to grab you and take you to court. There, in the house of judgment, they will beat you. They will grab you and lead you before the rulers, so that you proclaim me, Jesus Christ, there. But first, all the peoples of the earth will know the Good News about me.

When you are brought to trial, do not worry about how to speak. The Spirit that is in you will explain it to you.

I also tell you that one brother will be angry with another brother because he believed in me, and he will kill him. Likewise, parents will be angry with their own children who believed in Christ, they will be angry with them and kill them. Also, children will be angry and will kill their own parents who believed in Jesus. People will hate you because you believed in Jesus.

But a person who stands firm and follows Christ, despite all the difficulties, God will save such a person and grant him eternal life.

Original Russian back-translation (click or tap here):

Иисус вместе с учениками вышел из Храма. Один из учеников смотрел на Храм, восхищался и сказал:

— Учитель, смотри какой Храм! Большой, красивый, камни такие крепкие!

Иисус ответил:

— Да, Храм большой красивый, но придет время, когда он будет полностью разрушен, ни одного камня целого не останется.

Иисус поднялся на Масличную гору. Прямо с Масличной горы хорошо был виден Храм. С Иисусом были только четверо учеников — Петр, Иаков, Иоанн, Андрей. Ученики стали спрашивать Иисуса:

— Подскажи нам, как будет знамение, что Храм скоро разрушится?

Иисус им ответил:

— Во-первых, многие люди станут говорить: «это меня послал Бог, я — Христос». Многие стану так учить. Но они — лжецы. Многие люди их послушают и поверят. Но вы же, берегитесь! Не верьте им!

В-вторых, будут распространяться слухи, что в разных местах происходят войны, что одно царство идет войной на другое.

В-третьих, по всей земле то тут, то там будут происходить землетрясения. В-четвертых, по всей земле будет голод и разные беды. Но вы, глядя на все это, не бойтесь, не думайте, что это конец мира. Эти все события — знамения, чтобы быть готовым. Это лишь начало великих страданий. Это как, например, женщина, когда ей пришло время родить, перед родами у нее схватки. Будьте готовы, что разные люди будут хватать вас и вести на суд. Там, в доме суда, вас будут бить. Будут вас хватать и вести пред лицо правителей, чтобы вы там возвещали обо мне, Иисусе Христе. Но сначала все народы земли узнают обо мне Радостную Весть.

Когда вас поведут на суд, не беспокойтесь, как говорить. Дух, который будет в вас, он объяснит вам.

Еще говорю вам, что один брат, будет гневаться на другого брата за то, что тот поверил мне, и убьет его. Так же и родители, будут гневаться на собственных детей, которые поверили в Христа, будут гневаться на них и убивать. Также дети будут гневаться и будут убивать собственных родителей, которые поверили в Иисус. Люди будут ненавидеть вас, по причине того что вы уверовали в Иисуса.

Но человек, который твердо стоит и идет за Христом, несмотря на все трудности, такого человека Бог спасет и одарит его вечной жизнью.

Back-translation by Luka Manevich

<< Mark 12:41-44 in Russian Sign Language
Mark 13:14-23 in Russian Sign Language >>

complete verse (Mark 13:11)

Following are a number of back-translations of Mark 13:11:

  • Uma: “When you are caught and taken to the judges [sitters], don’t be afraid about what your answer will be. When your time comes to speak, just say what the Lord God puts in your hearts. For what you say at that time, it won’t be from your own thinking. Your words will appear / come from the Holy Spirit.” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
  • Yakan: “‘Na, if you are seized and they take you for investigation, don’t be troubled beforehand as to what you will say to defend yourselves. But say whatever is given to you at that time, for what you will say is not from you but from the Holy Spirit.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
  • Western Bukidnon Manobo: “And when they arrest you to take you to court, don’t worry about what you are going to say. For when you are already there, you will be able to say what God causes you to say. For the words which you will be able to say then are not yours, but rather, the words which the Holy Spirit will cause you to speak.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
  • Kankanaey: “When they investigate you, don’t be-worried about what you are to say, because at that time (lit. hour), the correct-thing that you are to say will be made-known to you. Because it is not you will be the source of the words (lit. word owner) but rather the Holy Spirit.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
  • Tagbanwa: “When they capture/arrest you and interrogate you, don’t be upset about what you will answer when you are brought before them. For at that hour, what you will say will come into your mind being given-in-aid to you. Because it won’t be you who will speak of yourselves, but on the contrary it will be the Espiritu Santo who will put in your mind what you are to say.” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)

Holy Spirit

In English, the Greek term Pneûma tò Hagion is translated as “Holy Ghost” or “Holy Spirit.” The English terms referring to Pneûma are synonyms: “ghost” is derived from Old English gast (“breath” or “good or bad spirit”) and “spirit” from Latin spiritus (“breath” or “supernatural immaterial creature”). Until the late 19th century, English translators of all traditions used “Holy Ghost” (or “holy Ghost”) but generally switched to “Holy Spirit” (or “holy Spirit”) thereafter, likely because the meaning of “ghost” had transitioned to predominantly refer to the spirit of a dead person.

Other languages with a long tradition in Bible translation translate Pneûma (for “holy” see holy) as follows (click or tap here to see more):

  • While a few Germanic languages still use terms derived from gast (see above) including German and Dutch (Geist and Geest respectively), the majority use forms of Proto*-Germanic anadô (“breath,” “spirit,” “zeal” — used in Latin as anima), including Danish (Ånden), Swedish (Ande/ande — for more on the gender of the Swedish translation, see below), Icelandic (andi), and Norwegian (Ånd/ånd). (*”Proto” refers to the most recent common, often hypothetical language ancestor).
  • The majority of Romance languages use a form of the Latin Spiritus (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan among others). (Note that in the French 1985 translation by Chouraqui, souffle sacré or “sacred breath” is used [source: Watson 2023, p. 52])
  • Slavic languages derive their translation from the Proto-Slavic dȗxъ (“breath,” “wind,” “spirit”), including Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian (all: Дух)
  • Most Semitic languages (Hebrew, Arabic, Assyrian, Chaldean — with the exception of Maltese which uses the Latin-based l-Ispirtu s-Santu), Iranian languages (Urdu, Tajik, Dari, Persian, Pashto), Turkic languages (Uzbek, Turkish), Malayic languages (Indonesian, Balinese, Sangir, and Malay — for further information on Malay, see below) use a derivative of the Proto-Semitic rūḥ- (“to blow,” “breathe”). Compare the Hebrew term ruach (רוּחַ: “breath,” “wind,” “spirit”) in the Old Testament. (For the use of Roho in Swahili, see below)
  • Many Indo-Aryan languages have chosen translations derived from Sanskrit आत्मन् ātman, meaning “soul,” “life,” “self,” including Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Panjabi, Santali, and Telugu — source: Hooper, p. 176f.

Bratcher / Nida say this about the translation into languages that do not have an existing Bible translation (click or tap here to see more):

“Undoubtedly no word has given quite so much trouble to the Bible translator as spirit, for (1) it includes such a wide range of meaning, from ‘evil spirit’ to ‘poor in spirit’ to ‘Holy Spirit’ and (2) it touches so vitally the crucial comparison and contrast between Christianity and so-called ‘animism.’

“There are four principal dangers in the choice of a word for Holy Spirit: (1) the term may identify an essential malevolent spirit, and no mere addition of the word ‘holy’ or ‘good’ is likely to change the basic connotation of the word, (2) the word may mean primarily the spirit of a deceased person (hence God must have died — a not infrequent error in Bible translations), (3) the expression used to mean ‘spirit’ may denote only an impersonal life force, a sort of soul-stuff which may be conceived as indwelling all plant, animal, and human substances (therefore, to say that ‘God is spirit’ is to deny His essential personality), and (4) a borrowed term may signify next to nothing to the people, and can only be explained by another term or terms, which, if they are adequate to explain the borrowing, should have been used in the first place. It is true that in some instances a borrowed word has seemed to be the only alternative, but it should be chosen only as a last resort.

“There is no easy formula to be employed in finding an adequate equivalent for Holy Spirit, for what seems to work quite well in one area may not serve in another. One thing, however, is certain: one should not select a term before making a comprehensive study of all kinds of words for spirits and for parts or aspects of personality and thus having as complete a view as possible of all indigenous beliefs about supernatural beings.”

Following are ways that languages without a long tradition Bible translation have translated Pneûma (click or tap here to see more):

  • Western Highland Chatino: “God’s perfect heart” J. Hefley (1968, p. 210) tells this story (click or tap here to read more):

    “Ninu [a Chatino translation assistant] told his translator that the word ‘holy’ could be used to modify an idol, a household god, the witch doctor, an altar, a lion, the sea which had caused a flood and disaster, a sacred mushroom, and several other things. The translator and his consultant deduced that holy had two main components of meanings for Chatinos. It referred to persons purported to hold supernatural powers, and to objects which, if not properly respected, would bring evil upon one. With this and other information, they agreed that they could not use the Chatino word for ‘holy’ and ‘spirit’ in defining the third person of the Trinity. Their approved translation for Holy Spirit became ‘God’s perfect heart’ (referring primarily to the life principles of one who is living).”

  • Malay (Today’s Malay Version, publ. 1987): Roh Allah: “Spirit of God.” Barclay Newman (in The Bible Translator 1974, p. 432ff. ) explains this as follows (click or tap here to see more):

    “A third difficult phrase that had to be dealt with was ‘Holy Spirit,’ since in popular Islamic theology there are many ‘holy spirits.’ In order to overcome this problem it was decided that ‘the Holy Spirit’ would always be rendered ‘God’s Spirit,’ and that wherever ‘Spirit’ or ‘the Spirit’ was used as a reference to God’s Spirit this would be clearly marked.

    “Other illustrations could be given of the clearing up of ambiguous and difficult phrases, but only one more will be selected, and it will serve as a transition to the next major section of this article. In John 6:63 the phrase ‘Spirit and life’ (in the expression ‘the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life’) is taken to refer to one thing not two. That is, even though the words are connected by the conjunction ‘and’ they are not in the relationship to one another that ‘and’ normally suggests. Moreover, ‘spirit’ in John’s Gospel, unless otherwise indicated, always refers to God’s Spirit. So then, the Common Malay has translated with the meaning, ‘the words which I speak come from God’s Spirit and bring life.’ This exegesis also has the advantage of tying in the meaning closely to the previous verse.

    “As previously indicated, except in the passages where the context clearly indicates otherwise (John 11:33; John 13:21; John 19:30), it was assumed that ‘spirit’ or ‘the spirit’ refer to God’s Spirit, and so the translator always made this information explicit. For example, John the Baptist’s words in John 1:32 become ‘I saw God’s Spirit come down like a dove from heaven.’ The one exception to this rule is in 3:8a, where there is a play on words. In Greek, as in Hebrew, the same word may mean either ‘wind’ or ‘spirit.’ In this context most translations take ‘wind’ to be the basic comparison, and so have translated in this way; and some have even provided a footnote, indicating the play on words. Since the basic comparison here is seen to be ‘wind,’ the Malay New Testament translated the text in this way.”

  • Shipibo-Conibo: “Spotless Spirit” — James Lauriault (in The Bible Translator 1951, p. 56ff. ) explains (click or tap here to see more):

    “The Shipibo consider all spirits evil, with the exception of certain entities making up a human personality. It would be a manifest contradiction to say ‘Good Evil-Spirit’ for ‘Holy Spirit,’ and it would be completely misinterpreted if one should say that Jesus perceived in his evil-spirit that some of the scribes thus questioned within their hearts (Mark 2:8).

    “For these reasons we have translated this word (…) when it unmistakably refers to a disembodied evil personality yoshin ‘demon.’ (‘Unclean spirit’ we have translated ‘harmful demon.’)

    “When it refers to the ‘Holy Spirit,’ we have finally translated it ‘Spotless Spirit,’ using for ‘Spirit’ a word designating one of the larger entities of human personality, the one which includes most of the others and which is always used of a live person.”

  • Sranan Tongo: Santa Yeye (from previously Santa Winti). Marlon Winedt explains (click or tap here to see more):

    “One of the translators in Sranan Tongo followed the historically and scientifically correct analysis that the word for Holy Spirit should be ‘Santa Winti.’ However, the churches had traditionally used ‘Santa Yeye.’ Although in the spiritual world-mapping of the afro-descendants of the country Santa Yeye refers to a more limited spirit, it was the most acceptable choice because ‘winti’ besides meaning ‘spirit, wind’ also refers to the afro-Caribbean religion /spiritual practice ‘winti’ which can be compared to voodoo or other forms in the Caribbean. The Catholic lectionary used this translation (Santa Winti) though there was a heated debate about the use. The then-bishop of Paramaribo advised the faithful to choose whether they wanted to say Santa Winti or Santa Yeye when reading the text. In the interior of Suriname, Catholic catechists actually burned the lectionary because they found the term Santa Winti to be blasphemous.

    “When the Sranan Tongo New Testament translation project was underway an attempt to merge two teams did not succeed partially based on this issue. Ultimately the remaining SIL/Bible Society of Suriname team did not chose to use Santa Winti but the accepted Santa Yeye. [This version was published in 2002.]”

  • Anuak: with a term that means ‘that which comes from God.’ Eugene Nida (in The Bible Translator 1955, p. 63 ) explains (click or tap here to see more):

    “In Anuak there is no term for ‘spirit’ in the sense of the Holy Spirit.

    “There is a word (ywey) which may be used to translate human soul or spirit, but which is essentially the ‘life principle.’ One cannot speak of the ywey of God, for the Anuaks insist that God does not have a ywey and that He is not a ywey. It is God who has given ywey to all people, animals and plants, but He Himself is of a different order of existence.

    “To speak of the ywey of God would be to equate him with earthly creation. There seems to be no easy solution to this problem, but for the time being ‘Spirit’ is to be translated as ‘that which comes from God’, in the sense of that which emanates from or has its origin in God.”

  • Kaingang: Topẽ kuprĩg (God’s Spirit — kuprĩg is often to the spirit of a dead person). Ursula Wiesemann (in Notes on Translation 1978, p. 32ff.) explains how the translation team reached that conclusion (click or tap here to see more):

    “All human beings have a kãnhvég which has as an outward manifestation the shadow or the reflection of that person. It is closely linked to the body and cannot leave it. It is an indication of life in the body. According to one language helper, it lives in our chest (that is, heart), but this may be a carry-over from his Christian teaching.

    “The kãnhvég at death becomes vẽnh kuprĩg. Vẽnh is a pronoun meaning ‘someone’s’. The vẽnh kuprĩg seem to live in groups and can be heard at night making a peculiar humming noise. They may do mischievous things like throwing dirt on the house which scares the inhabitants. A vẽnh kuprĩg may also appear to an individual, be recognized by him for whose spirit he is, speak kindly to him, and even touch him. The purpose is to take the living person along to the place where the dead live. It is reported that in this way the vẽnh kuprĩg cause death, or that they might even choke babies to death during the night. In describing an encounter with a vẽnh kuprĩg, the Indians say: ‘I saw a vẽnh kuprĩg. It was so-and-so.’ Whereas kãnhvég collocates with all pronouns and names (that is, can be directly identified as belonging to a specific person), kuprĩg collocates most naturally with vẽnh when it refers to the spirit of a dead person.

    “Such conflicting reports on the meaning of the terms is difficult to choose the right terms for the Spirit of God. In Rio das Cobras and in Guarita, God is said to have a kuprĩg and a kãnhvég, but it is His kuprĩg who has a life of his own without being tied to God’s body. In both localities (and some others, where, however, the question was not looked into in detail as in the three areas identified), the definite and unquestioned choice of all people asked was to identify the ‘Holy Spirit’ as Topẽ kuprĩg ‘Spirit of God’. In Nonoai (same dialect area as Guarita but different dialect area from Rio das Cobras), however, the definite and unquestioned choice is Topẽ kãnhvég ‘because kuprĩg refers to the spirit of one who died.’ So it will be necessary to use both terms in a paraphrase to satisfy everyone. The objection to kãnhvég is its close tie to a body, and only in Nonoai this connection seems to be broken.

    “Postscript: Since writing the above, several years have passed, and the New Testament has been completed, and the revision committee, composed of three Indians from as many dialect areas, unanimously chose Topẽ kuprĩg for ‘Spirit of God,’ rejecting the word kãnhvég as being ‘too weak and not meaningful’ — that is, the kãnhvég is not a spirit at all but just a sign of life, so it has been dropped in the last revision, as well as the reference to the ‘kãnhvég not dying’ as eternal life.”

  • Papiamento: Spiritu. Since the term on its own means “bad spirit,” in any case that no modifier is used (such as “Holy” or “of truth”), the translators used Spiritu di Dios (“Spirit of God”) to differentiate it from the negative connotation (source: Marlon Winedt).
  • Ditammari: “Air of God.” Loewen (in The Bible Translator 1983, p. 213ff. ) explains that a search for the term “spirit” was conducted (especially as in “Holy Spirit”). Since faith healers often avoided using the name of unclean spirits by saying “impure air” a suggestion was made to call Holy Spirit “clean/pure air”. This was accepted but changed to “air of God” to avoid ambiguity with air that we breath.
  • Warlpiri: Pirlirrpa Kaatu-kurlangu: “God’s Eternal Spirit,” since “holy’ carries the meaning of taboo and cannot be used (source: Stephen Swartz in The Bible Translator 1985, p. 415ff. )
  • Eastern Highland Otomi: “God’s Good Spirit” (source: John Beekman in Notes on Translation November 1964, p. 1-22.)
  • Kahua: the term for “Spirit” is a generic term for a spirit which never had a body (i.e., not the spirit of a dead ancestor). (Source: David Clark)
  • Keapara: Vea’a Palaguna (“Holy Spirit” but can also be “Holy God” or “angels” — “there is not a strong contrast between the meaning of God and Holy Spirit” since “God” is translated with “Palagu”) (source: Norm Mundhenk in The Bible Translator 2004, p. 222f. )
  • Naro: Tc’ẽe: a word that refers to the “thinking/willing part” of one’s personality. (Source: van Steenbergen)
  • Mairasi: Janav Enggwarjer Nanen Oroug (“Great Above One’s Clean Spirit”) (source: Enggavoter 2004)
  • Seediq: Biyax Utux Baraw (“Power of God”)
  • Paiwan: “Most Excellent Spirit” (source for this and above: Covell 1998, p. 246f.)
  • Cheyenne: Ma’heonemȧhta’sooma or “Sacred Shadow” (source: Wayne Leman)
  • Izii: Unme Chileke or “the Breath that is Taboo” (for “taboo” as a translation for “holy,” see here) (source: Reinier de Blois)
  • Supyire Senoufo: Munaa (“nose/spirit/breath”) (source: Michael Jemphrey)
  • Chichewa: Mzimu Woyera (“Clean/White/Pure Ancestral Spirit”) (source: Wendland 1998, p. 137)
  • Tibetan: thugs nyid (ཐུགས་​ཉིད།།), an honorific form for sems nyid (སེམས་​ཉིད།) or “spirit” (source: gSungrab website )
  • Many Bantu languages translate Pneûma with a word that originally means “soul,” including Luganda and Haya (both: mwoyo), Ndebele (uMoya), Sotho (Moya). Fang uses Nsísim: “shadow” or “separate soul” (anima separata) (source: Bühlmann 1950, p. 176)

The grammatical gender of the Greek Pneûma is neuter (and the Hebrew ruach has a feminine gender). While many languages either do not have a grammatical gender or have a word for Pneûma that grammatically is masculine, other languages found various ways of dealing with this. (Click or tap here to read more):

The earliest example is Classical Syriac which, like Hebrew, used a term — Ruhä — that was of feminine gender. According to Ashbrook (1993), in early documents the feminine gender was not only used in a grammatical sense but the Spirit was often described with feminine imagery as well. “Around the year 400 [though], a change emerges in our texts. Starting in the fifth century, and almost universally by the sixth, the Spirit is masculine in Syriac writers. Ruhä when referring to wind or spirit continues to follow rules of grammar and to be construed in the feminine; but when referring to the Holy Spirit, it is now construed as masculine, although this does violence to the fabric of the language.” (Source: Ashbrook 1993)

A similar process of ungrammatical usage was attempted in Asháninka. The “Good Spirit of God” required a feminine, inanimate pronoun which was artificially changed to masculine. After a while this was changed back to its true grammatical form with no perceptible difference in the understanding of the Trinity. Will Kindberg (in The Bible Translator 1964, 197f. ) tells that story (click or tap here to read more):

“For the past several years Mr Sylvester Dirks of the Mennonite Brethren Mission and I have been engaged in missionary work with the Asháninka sub-group of the Campa tribe in Peru, and have collaborated on Christian vocabulary items and translation as well as other phases of our missionary activities. For the ‘Holy Spirit’ we are using ‘the Good Spirit of God’. The normal pronominal reference for spirit, whether it be a human spirit or the spirit of a god, is third person feminine inanimate. Long ago, Sylvester and I agreed that we would force the use of the third person masculine animate pronoun to refer to the Holy Spirit, although we recognized it was contrary to the grammatical system of Asháninka. We did this because of a theological bias: the Holy Spirit is referred to in English as masculine, and we think of the Spirit as a masculine member of the Godhead. We ignored the fact that it has a neuter reference in Greek.

“In the Gospel of Mark and also in the book of Acts, my translation consistently uses the third person masculine pronoun to refer to the feminine inanimate spirit. There has been a reaction against this by the people as they hear or read these portions of Scripture, though some of the believers have accepted it when it was explained to them why it had been done.

“This past year while I was continuing working on other portions of Scripture, I was again troubled by the non-grammatical use of the pronominal referent.

“I checked again with some of my colleagues here in Peru and they agreed with me that it might be wise to switch back to the correct grammatical usage. So I checked with Mr Dirks and he did not object to the change.

“Because of the importance of the issue, I also wrote to Dr Eugene Nida and Dr John Beekman for their opinions. They both suggested the use of the grammatically correct forms. The following is a quote from Dr Beekman’s letter:

“‘There is a distinction between animate and inanimate reference in one of the Zapoteco dialects of Mexico. All spirits fall into the inanimate class. The weight of theological considerations led the translators to use the animate form contrary to usage. In consultation, however, it was agreed that it would be preferable not to violate the grammatical pattern especially since the informants felt that the use of the inanimate form did not necessarily mean that the Holy Spirit was not a person. The translators are now using the inanimate form to the satisfaction of all of the believers.’

“I have switched the pronominal reference throughout John and it has just been printed. The reaction of the few people with whom I have checked this has been good. The question has been asked: ‘How does having two masculine members and a feminine-inanimate member affect the Asháninka’s idea of a triune God?’

“One day I was talking to my informant (still a relatively untrained believer) about the different gods in which his fellow tribesmen believe. And I said, ‘What does the Bible teach about God? How many are there?’ (Note that I used the unmarked form that might be either singular or plural.) He answered, ‘There is one God’. Then after thinking a minute, he said, ‘There are two—there’s Jesus. Then afterwards he said, ‘There are three— there’s God’s Spirit’. It seems to me he has understood the doctrine of the Trinity about as well as most Christians. For the last few months we have been using a feminine inanimate referent for the Holy Spirit and this has not seemed to hinder his understanding of the Trinity. Time will tell the reaction of the rest of the people.”

In Swahili, the translation of Pneûma tò Hagion is Roho Mtakatifu. Roho, derived from the Semitic / Arabic Rūḥ, should be in the noun class for loan words but to prevent the misunderstanding of Roho as an inanimate object, it is (grammatically incorrectly) used in the first class of nouns which is specifically reserved for people (source: Bühlmann 1950, p. 176). While some Bantu languages use similar strategies, Lamba left Umupasi Uswetelele in the third noun class that is also used for trees and plants, making a grammatically a non-person. But, as C. M. Doke (in The Bible Translator 1958, p. 57ff. ) remarks, “it is [left] to numerous references in the Scriptures to establish that the Holy Spirit is a person, the third person of the Trinity.”

While Swedish used to have three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), modern Swedish only uses two genders (common [utrum] and neuter). Until the Bibel 2000, “Holy Spirit” was translated as helige Ande which used a masculine adjective and paired it with ande (“Spirit”), which historically could be read as masculine. With the merging of the masculine gender into the common gender it is now translated as the common-gendered heliga ande, matching a more widely-used gender-equal language practice in Swedish. (Source: Mikael Winninge and Sara Rösare)

See also “God’s Gender” under God.

See also this devotion in Christianity Today and Spirit (of God) (Japanese honorifics).

formal pronoun: Jesus addressing his disciples and common people

Like many languages (but unlike Greek or Hebrew or English), Tuvan uses a formal vs. informal 2nd person pronoun (a familiar vs. a respectful “you”). Unlike other languages that have this feature, however, the translators of the Tuvan Bible have attempted to be very consistent in using the different forms of address in every case a 2nd person pronoun has to be used in the translation of the biblical text.

As Voinov shows in Pronominal Theology in Translating the Gospels (in: The Bible Translator 2002, p. 210ff. ), the choice to use either of the pronouns many times involved theological judgment. While the formal pronoun can signal personal distance or a social/power distance between the speaker and addressee, the informal pronoun can indicate familiarity or social/power equality between speaker and addressee.

Here, Jesus is addressing his disciples, individuals and/or crowds with the formal pronoun, showing respect.

In most Dutch translations, Jesus addresses his disciples and common people with the informal pronoun, whereas they address him with the formal form.

formal 2nd person plural pronoun (Japanese)

Click or tap here to see the rest of this insight.

Like a number of other East Asian languages, Japanese uses a complex system of honorifics, i.e. a system where a number of different levels of politeness are expressed in language via words, word forms or grammatical constructs. These can range from addressing someone or referring to someone with contempt (very informal) to expressing the highest level of reference (as used in addressing or referring to God) or any number of levels in-between.

One way Japanese shows different degree of politeness is through the choice of a formal plural suffix to the second person pronoun (“you” and its various forms) as shown here in the widely-used Japanese Shinkaiyaku (新改訳) Bible of 2017. In these verses, anata-gata (あなたがた) is used, combining the second person pronoun anata and the plural suffix -gata to create a formal plural pronoun (“you” [plural] in English).

(Source: S. E. Doi, see also S. E. Doi in Journal of Translation, 18/2022, p. 37ff. )

Translation commentary on Mark 13:11


After ti lalēsēte ‘what you should say’ Textus Receptus adds mēde meletate ‘nor be anxious,’ which is omitted by all modern editions of the Greek text.


hotan agōsin humas paradidontes ‘and whenever they arrest you and deliver you up to trial.’

hotan (cf. 11.19) ‘whenever’: here the sense is probably ‘whenever’ (rather than ‘when’), indicating repeated events and not simply one single event.

agō (cf. 1.38) ‘cause to go,’ ‘lead,’ ‘bring’: in a specialized use, ‘lead away,’ ‘take into custody,’ ‘arrest.’

paradidōmi (cf. 1.14) ‘deliver up (to trial),’ ‘turn over to the court.’

mē promerimnate ‘do not be concerned beforehand’: only here does the verb appear in the N.T.

ho ean dothē humin ‘whatever may be given you (by God).’

to pneuma to hagion (cf. 1.8) ‘the Holy Spirit.’


The first clause may be accurately translated as ‘arrest you and hand you over to the authorities to be tried.’

For anxious see under cares 4.18. In this context words for ‘worry’ or ‘concern’ must be specifically applicable to the special anxieties involved, e.g. ‘don’t let your stomach rise up’ (Farefare), ‘don’t let you mind kill you’ (Navajo), ‘don’t be driven hard,’ a reference to animals being chased in the hunt (Piro).

Is given is a very indefinite passive, requiring in some languages an agent, e.g. ‘God gives you.’

Hour is more idiomatically rendered as ‘at that time’ or ‘on that occasion,’ since ‘hour,’ as a precise unit of time may be quite strange and completely inapplicable to this type of context.

For Holy Spirit see 1.7.

Quoted with permission from Bratcher, Robert G. and Nida, Eugene A. A Handbook on the Gospel of Mark. (UBS Handbook Series). New York: UBS, 1961. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .