cloak / shawl

The Hebrew that is translated as “cloak” or “shawl” similar in English is translated in Noongar as kwart or “extra kangaroo skin.” (Source: Bardip Ruth-Ang 2020)

See also clothes and cloth.

Translation commentary on Isaiah 3:22

Festal robes are robes worn on special occasions. New Jerusalem Bible calls them “party dresses,” but this expression is clearly too modern. “Fine dresses” (Revised English Bible) or “special robes” is more appropriate. The Hebrew word rendered mantles probably refers to a gown that is usually worn as an outer garment over another piece of clothing. Cloaks are worn as outer garments and may not have any sleeves. They are more like something thrown over the shoulders or wrapped around the upper body. The Hebrew word for cloaks also occurs in Ruth 3.15. The Hebrew word for handbags is a word mostly rendered “purses” (Good News Translation, Contemporary English Version, New International Version), though Revised English Bible is quite different with “flounced skirts.” Handbags are small bags used for carrying money or other items.

Quoted with permission from Ogden, Graham S. and Sterk, Jan. A Handbook on Isaiah. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 2011. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .