4He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Beroea, by Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, by Gaius from Derbe, and by Timothy, as well as by Tychicus and Trophimus from Asia.
The term that is transliterated as “Timothy” in English is translated in American Sign Language with a sign that combines the signs for the letter T and “young,” referring to 1 Timothy 4:12 et al. (Source: Ruth Anna Spooner, Ron Lawer)
“Timothy” in American Sign Language, source: Deaf Harbor
The name that is transliterated as “Aristarchus” in English is translated in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) with a sign that combines “accompanying” (Aristarchus was mentioned on Paul’s three missionary journey — see for instance Acts 27:2), and “best leader” (the meaning of the name). (Source: Missão Kophós )
The name that is transliterated as “Derbe” in English is translated in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) with a sign that combines the signs for “small region” and “salvation,” because of the successful reception Paul’s message had in Derbe (see Acts 14:21). (Source: Missão Kophós )
Following are a number of back-translations of Acts 20:4:
Uma: “On that journey of his, there were also several companions of his who went with him. Their names were, Sopater the son of Pirus from Berea. There was also Aristarkhus and Sekundus from Tesalonika; Gayus from Derbe; Tikhikus and Trofimus from Asia. And Timotius.” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
Yakan: “His companions were Sopater, a man from Berea son of Pirus, and Aristarkus and Sekundus, men from Tessalonika, and Gayus from Derbe, and Tikikus and Toropimus, men from Asiya and Timoteo.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
Western Bukidnon Manobo: “And there was a person from Berea whose name was Sopater, the son of Pyrrhus, and he went with him. Also went with him Aristarchus and Secundus, men from Thessalonica, Gaius from Derbe, and Timothy, Tychicus, and Trophimus who were from Asia.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
Kankanaey: “His traveling-companions were Sopater the child of Pirrus from-Berea, Aristarkus and Secundus from-Tessalonica, Gaius from-Derbe, Timoteo, and Tikicus and Trofimus from-Asia.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
Tagbanwa: “He didn’t travel alone for many accompanied him. One person was the taga Berea who was Sopatro, the son of Pirro. Two were taga Tesalonica, Aristarco and Segundo. Two also were taga Asia who were Tiquico and Trofimo. Others were Gayo, the taga Derbe, and Timoteo.” (Source: Tagbanwa Back Translation)
The name that is transliterated as “Sopater” in English is translated in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) with a sign that combines “salvation” and “father” (the meaning of the name is “savior of his father”). (Source: Missão Kophós )
The name that is transliterated as “Secundus” in English is translated in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) with a sign that combines “man” and “second” (the meaning of the name). (Source: Missão Kophós )
The name that is transliterated as “Trophimus” in English is translated in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) with a sign that combines “nutritious” and “foster child” (the meanings of the name). (Source: Missão Kophós )
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