complete verse (Romans 9:32)

Following are a number of back-translations of Romans 9:32:

  • Uma: “They didn’t get it is because they counted-on/boasted-in their own behavior following the Lord’s Law, not [trying to get it] by their faith hi God. They stumbled/stubbed-their-toe on the stumbling rock– its meaning: they did not want to believe in the Redeemer King.” (Source: Uma Back Translation)
  • Yakan: “Na, why was it like that? Because the nation of Isra’il trusted in their good deeds. They were not willing to trust Isa Almasi so that they would really be considered straight by God. The holy-book says that Isa Almasi is figuratively a rock/stone and the nation of Isra’il has as if stumbled on that rock because of their not being willing to trust Isa.” (Source: Yakan Back Translation)
  • Western Bukidnon Manobo: “And why wasn’t this possible? Because the thing they trusted was their own good works and they did not believe in Jesus Christ. And because of this they became like people who stumbled over a large stone in the path.” (Source: Western Bukidnon Manobo Back Translation)
  • Kankanaey: “Why? Because their searching for a way to be made righteous was not based on faith but on their doing good. They were offended at Cristo who may be compared to a stone that causes-(people)-to-trip.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
  • Tenango Otomi: “Why is it then that these people did not get right with God? It is because the people wanted to save their souls by doing all the good which is said in the law. But they didn’t want to believe that Christ would save them. Thus they stumbled, because Christ is like a stone which is in the place where people pass by and stumble over.” (Source: Tenango Otomi Back Translation)