complete verse (Genesis 41:28)

Following are a number of back-translations as well as a sample translation for translators of Genesis 41:28:

  • Kankanaey: “Just like what I said a-little-while-ago, that God has-made-known to you (sing.) what he will do in-the-future.” (Source: Kankanaey Back Translation)
  • Newari: “This matter, which I told the Great King, has shown the Great King what God is about to do.” (Source: Newari Back Translation)
  • Hiligaynon: “According to what- I already -had-said to you, Beloved King, God has-revealed to you (sing.) what he is-going-to-do.” (Source: Hiligaynon Back Translation)
  • English: “It will happen just as I have told you, because God has revealed to you what he is about to do.” (Source: Translation for Translators)