complete verse (Genesis 30:33)

Following are a number of back-translations as well as a sample translation for translators of Genesis 30:33:

  • Newari: “Later you will also be able to learn how much trustworthiness I have. If you come to see the cattle which you gave me as wages, [and] if among them [lit. in that] is found even one [head of] cattle which is not spotted or black, I would have stolen it.'” (Source: Newari Back Translation)
  • Hiligaynon: “In the later days, you (sing.) will-know if I can-be-trusted or not if you (sing.) will-check the animals which you paid- me -as-wages. If you (sing.) find a goat which is not spotted or a sheep which is not dark-colored/black, count that as what- I -have-stolen.'” (Source: Hiligaynon Back Translation)
  • English: “In that way, in the future, you will be able to know whether I have been honest regarding what you have paid me. If any of my goats are neither speckled or spotted, or if any of my lambs are not dark-colored, you will know that I have stolen them from you.'” (Source: Translation for Translators)