The Hebrew text of Psalms 9/10, 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, 119, and 145 uses acrostics, a literary form in which each verse is started with one of the successive 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. According to Brenda Boerger (in Open Theology 2016, p. 179ff. ) there are three different reasons for acrostics in the Hebrew text: “for ease of memorization,” the representation “of the full breadth and depth of a topic, all the way from aleph to taw (tav),” and the perception of “the acrostic form as aesthetically attractive.” (p. 191)
While most translations mention the existence of an acrostic in a note or a comment, few implement it in their translation. The Natügu translation is one such exception. Boerger (see above) cites a strong tradition in singing the psalms and the fact that Natügu, like Hebrew, also has 22 possible initial letters as motivating factors to maintain the acrostics in that language.
Click or tap here for the complete psalm in Natügu
1 Awi-zvzbo bam mz nzglqpx-krnge nim,
Murde nim Gct rnge x mnclzbo bam.
2 Bilvzx nim mz nzawi-krbo bam.
X sa naglqpx-zvzx nim mz zbq kang kqlu.
3 Clveq nrlc mz zmatq ngrm kx trpnzngr kxrkrlz.
Yawe, myatxlz-esz’ngrn x takitrde nzrglqlzngr nim.
4 Doa nemqng sa nayapwxti-zvzbzlr mz doa nedrng,
Da kcng tqetuting tqmatq tqaletiqng.
5 Eu, x sa na-aoti-zvz-kzx drtwrnge nzwz-krmqng kxmrlzvxing,
X nzetu-esz’ngr-krm mz zmatq.
6 Gct, sa nayapwxtipx leplz da kxnzkctipxng kcng tqwz-ngrn.
X sa napipxx nzmyalz-esz’ngr-krm.
7-8 Ipq-aniq leplz murde yc mz drtwrm nidr.
Murde nivz lrm x nzaodu-krm tqyc tqyc.
Jzsiq leplz mz nztubqngr x sa na-angrlvzlr nim.
Sa nalepxlr nrpa ngr nzmrlz-esz’ngr-krm.
9 Kxetu, mrlztiq leplz amrlx,
X yc zlwz mz drtwrm doa amrlx kcng tqwz-ngrn.
10 Leplz nemqng amrlx sa na-awibzng bam,
X doa amrlx kcng tqwz-ngrn sa naglqlzlr nim.
11 Mz nrlc tulvzo, sa nayapwxtipxlr nzmyalz-esz’ngr-krm,
X nzetukr zmatq ngrm mz nzngini-krm king.
12 Nrpa ngr nzwz-krmqng etu, mz da kxmrlzting kcng tqwz-ngrn mz nzaclve-krm,
Sa nakrlz leplz amrlx.
13 Obqom mz nrlc mz nzaclve-krm kc tqyc tqyc,
X nzngini-krm king tqvzpe tqvzpe.
Pipx-zvzq natq kx na-angidatiq,
X aelwapx-zvzq nivz lrm mz da amrlx kcng tqaleq.
14 Rngiscm zmatq kx okatrle leplz kcng tzkxpung,
X axplrle nabz leplz kcng tqtalvzo.
15 Sa narkabzme dakxnzng mz kxnzlung amrlx,
Mz nzmnc-xgle-krdr nim mz da amrlx.
16 Tekqtrq nzbrtale-krdr mz nzakrlc-krbzme nelzdr,
X drtwrdr esatxpx zpwx.
17 Vz zvz nzale-krm da kx tubq-esz’ngr,
X aelwapx-zvzq nivz lrm mz da amrlx kcng tqaleq.
18 Wxbu-aepztrpzme mz krkcng tzkqlelr nim,
Mz nzbrti-zpwxkr drtwrdr nim.
19 Xlrq nzyrnikr leplz kcng tzamrluelr nim,
X ayzlubzme natqdr mz nzarlapx-krm nidr.
20 Yawe, tu-zvzbzme mz nibr leplz kx nzmrlztilr nim,
A’ odati-atwrnr-ngrn kxdrka’-ngrng.
21 Zbq kalvz sa naglqlzx nim.
X krkcng tzlung tqwz-ngrn, nzangio-krdr nim tqvzpe tqvzpe.
© 2008, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Danish Bibelen på Hverdagsdansk (publ. 1985, rev. 2015 et al.) also translated Psalm 145 into an acrostic. Due to the higher number of Danish letters, It skips C, Q, W, X, Z, and Ø.
Click or tap here for the complete psalm in Danish
1 Altid vil jeg prise dig, Herre,
du er min Konge og Gud for evigt.
2 Bestandig vil jeg synge til din ære,
takke dig hver eneste dag.
3 Der er ingen så mægtig som dig, Herre,
ingen kan fatte din storhed.
4 En generation skal fortælle det videre til den næste,
at dine underfulde gerninger er uden sidestykke.
5 Folk skal fortælle om din herlighed og magt,
og jeg vil altid mindes dine undere.
6 Gang på gang bliver dine gerninger berømmet,
jeg vil fortælle om din storhed igen og igen.
7 Hvor er din godhed dog stor,
din retfærdighed bliver husket med glæde.
8 Ingen er nådig og barmhjertig som dig,
du er tålmodig og utrolig trofast.
9 Jeg ved, at du er god mod alle,
barmhjertig mod alle dine skabninger.
10 Kan mennesker gøre andet end takke dig, Herre?
Dine tjenere vil altid lovprise dig.
11 Lad os altid tale om dit riges herlighed,
fortælle om din vældige magt.
12 Mennesker i hele verden skal høre om din magt,
om dit riges strålende herlighed.
13 Når alt andet forgår, vil dit rige bestå.
Du skal regere i evighed.
Ord fra dig kan man stole på,
dine handlinger viser din nåde imod os.
14 På livets vej kan vi synke i knæ,
men du rejser os op, når vi falder.
15 Retter vi vores blik mod dig i tro,
vil du altid give os det, vi har brug for.
16 Så snart et menneske erkender sit behov,
er du straks parat til at opfylde det.
17 Trofasthed og retfærdighed kendes du på,
dine handlinger er baseret på kærlighed.
18 Uden undtagelse hjælper du alle,
som beder til dig af et oprigtigt hjerte.
19 Vælger mennesker at følge dig,
vil du redde dem, når de råber om hjælp.
20 Ærligt troende oplever din beskyttelse,
men de onde går deres undergang i møde.
21 År efter år vil jeg prise dig, Herre,
måtte alt levende lovsynge dig for evigt.
Copyright © 1985, 1992, 2005, 2013, 2015 by Biblica, Inc.®
The English Bible translation by Ronald Knox (publ. 1950) maintains almost every Hebrew acrostic (even though Knox’s translation itself is based on the Latin text of the Vulgate rather than the Hebrew). Due to the higher number of letters in the English alphabet, it skips the letter K, X, Y, and Z.
1 And shall I not extol thee, my God, my king; shall I not bless thy name for ever and for evermore?
2 Blessing shall be thine, day after day; for ever and for evermore praised be thy name.
3 Can any praise be worthy of the Lord’s majesty, any thought set limits to his greatness?
4 Down the ages the story of thy deeds is told, thy power is ever acclaimed;
5 each magnifies thy unapproachable glory, makes known thy wonders.
6 Fearful are the tales they tell of thy power, proclaiming thy magnificence;
7 grateful their memory of all thy goodness, as they boast of thy just dealings.
8 How gracious the Lord is, how merciful, how patient, how rich in pity!
9 Is he not a loving Lord to his whole creation; does not his mercy reach out to all that he has made?
10 Joining, then, Lord, in thy whole creation’s praise, let thy faithful servants bless thee;
11 let them publish the glory of thy kingdom, and discourse of thy power,
12 making that power known to the race of men, the glory, the splendour of that kingdom!
13 No age shall dawn but shall see thee reigning still; generations pass, and thy rule shall endure. O how true the Lord is to all his promises, how gracious in all his dealings!
14 Prostrate though men may fall, the Lord will lift them up, will revive their crushed spirits.
15 Quietly, Lord, thy creatures raise their eyes to thee, and thou grantest them, in due time, their nourishment,
16 Ready to open thy hand, and fill with thy blessing all that lives.
17 So faithful the Lord is in all he does, so gracious in all his dealings.
18 The Lord draws near to every man that calls upon him, will he but call upon him with a true heart.
19 Utter but the wish, you that fear the Lord, and he will grant it, will hear the cry, and bring aid.
20 Vigilantly the Lord watches over all that love him, marks down the wicked for destruction.
21 While these lips tell of the Lord’s praise, let all that lives bless his holy name, for ever, and for evermore. (Source )
Another English translation that keeps an acrostic for this psalm is the EasyEnglish Bible (publ. 2018), skipping Q, U, X, and Z.
1 Always I will praise you, my God and my king,
and I will say how great you are!
2 Because you are good, I will praise you every day.
Yes, I will always praise your name.
3 Clearly the Lord is great!
He is so great that we cannot understand it.
4 Down from father to son, people will praise you.
They will tell each other about the powerful things that you have done.
5 Everyone will speak about your glory and authority.
I also will think carefully about your great miracles.
6 Famous are the powerful things that you have done.
People will talk about them.
I also will speak about the great things that you do.
7 Good things are what everybody will remember about you.
They will sing about your justice.
8 How very kind the Lord is!
He is very patient and his faithful love continues.
9 It is the Lord who takes care of everybody.
He is kind to everything that he has made.
10 Join together to thank the Lord!
Everything that he has made will praise him.
Your own people will praise you, Lord!
11 King is who you are and your kingdom is great!
People will speak about your royal authority.
12 Let everyone agree that you do great things!
Let them say that you rule with great authority.
13 Many years your kingdom will remain, even for ever.
You will always rule your people and their descendants.
Nothing that the Lord promises is false.
He is kind in everything that he does.
14 Often people fall, but the Lord lifts them up.
He helps everyone who has trouble.
15 People look to you for help.
You give them food when they need it.
16 Ready to help, you open your hand.
You give to every living thing the good things that they want.
17 So the Lord is fair in all that he does.
He always shows how much he loves us.
18 The Lord is ready to help everyone who asks him.
He is near to everyone who prays honestly.
19 Very kindly he gives his own people the things that they need.
He saves them when they call to him for help.
20 Whoever loves the Lord, he keeps safe.
But he destroys wicked people.
21 Yes, I will praise the Lord!
Everyone who lives should praise his holy name for ever!
Scripture quotations are from the EasyEnglish Bible Copyright © MissionAssist 2019 – Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1162807. Used by permission. All rights reserved.