Translation commentary on Ruth 2:5

In Hebrew the term translated asked is simply “said,” but since a question follows, most languages require an introductory verb of speaking which indicates the kind of direct discourse, namely, a question.

The man in charge translates the Hebrew phrase: “his servant who had been appointed over the reapers.” This expression may be translated in some languages as “the head man of his reapers,” “the chief of his reapers,” or “the man who commanded his reapers.” New American Bible has “the overseer of his harvesters,” and Moffatt has “the foreman of the reapers in his service.” The man in charge may be translated as “the servant who worked for him” or “the servant who worked for Boaz,” and “his workers” may be “those who worked for him.” In other languages, however, a possessive case of reapers may be required. In some ancient versions, possessive constructions seem to have been considered as redundant in both cases. See Vulgate iuveni qui messoribus præerat and Septuagint.

Who is that young woman? is an attempt to focus properly upon the age of Ruth rather than to render literally “girl” as in some translations (New American Bible, New English Bible). There is no doubt about the emphasis upon her youth in the Hebrew reference to Ruth. At the same time, Ruth had been married, and her general appearance would certainly have merited the designation of “young woman.”

Some translators may wish to employ a question such as “Who is this girl?” but this is really not sufficient for translating the Hebrew text, since the emphasis here is upon Ruth’s relationship to some family or person. One may, therefore, employ a question such as “To which family does this young woman belong?” or “To which people does this young woman belong?” This is precisely the text according to the Targum.

Quoted with permission from de Waard, Jan and Nida, Eugene A. A Handbook on Ruth. (UBS Helps for Translators). New York: UBS, 1978, 1992. For this and other handbooks for translators see here .

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