The Hebrew that is translated as “steadfast love,” “lovingkindness” or similar in English is translated in Vidunda as “love of enduring.” (Source: Pioneer Bible Translators, project-specific translation notes in Paratext)
In Bura-Pabir it is translated as hyirkur na a palidzi wa or “love which cannot be-changed,” in the Hausa Common Language Bible as kaunarsa marar canjawa or “his love without changing” (source: Andy Warren-Rothlin), in Elhomwe as echikondi yoohisintheya or “love that does not finish” (source: project-specific translation notes in Paratext), and in Nyamwezi as chelu, combining “love,” “faithfulness,” “loyalty,” and “kindness” (source: James Lundeen).
In Pijin tinghevi long or “think heavy about” is used. “The Pijin expression ‘think heavy about’ is very much within the domain of committed relationships. The relationship between father and child, husband and wife, God and His people. There is a very strong element of ‘loyalty’ in this expression.” (Source: Bob Carter)